6 Secrets Boost Eye Health ~
You’ll be every so glad you did when you’re old!
The more you focus on boosting your eye health now, the better your vision will be in the future.
You see most people with glasses of some kind these days, but if you do what you can to strengthen your eyes you won’t need them.
‘6 Secrets Boost Eye Health’
Secret #1:
Practise Eye Exercises
Eye exercises might sound strange, but they can help to strengthen your eyesight over time and stop it from deteriorating altogether.
If you work on a computer, or have to concentrate hard on something as you work, this is even more important.
Let’s say you work on a computer. Every 30-60 minutes, take a moment or two to focus on something in the distance for a few seconds. This will stop your eyes from getting used to one specific distance.
You can also practise looking in different directions, and focus on your fingers in front of your eyes.
By reading tutorials on this, you can learn many simple exercises that will stop your eyes from getting lazy.
Secret #2:
Eat The Right Foods
The foods we eat impact our health, everybody knows that. However, the foods we eat also impact our eyes directly.
If you’re not eating lots of natural, healthy foods, then you’re not going to have strong eyes. Healthy fats are especially important for the eyes, so make sure you’re getting things like nuts, olives, egg yolk, and avocado.
Secret #3:
Quit Smoking
Smoking is bad for us in a number of different ways, and you’re probably aware of this to a certain extent.
I won’t go into all of the different ways that smoking can be bad, but it can be especially bad for the eyes. People who smoke are far more likely to suffer from deteriorating eyesight including macular degeneration. You might even go blind.
Quitting smoking will be one of the best things you can do for your eyesight.
Secret #4:
Don’t Wear Glasses Too Often
This is why you’ll find that once you are prescribed glasses, you’ll have to go back for a new prescription every few years, and it’ll be stronger.
Avoid wearing them all the time. Glasses are not a cure. Some people have even found that by avoiding glasses and strengthening their sight, they have improved their vision overall and eliminated the need for glasses.
Some people end up getting laser eye surgery, but this is expensive. If you don’t research it properly, you could even end up having to make laser eye surgery claims.
Secret #5:
Protect Your Eyes Against Bright Light or The Sun
This means wearing sunglasses when the sun is out and not just when it’s hot. It also means taking safety precautions!
Secret #6:
Get Plenty Of Sleep
Sleep is essential for eye health too. Different people need different amounts, so this is entirely individual. Make sure you’re in a good routine and getting a good quality of sleep each night.
Share with us below your tips to care for your eyes. Also tell us of any challenges you had or are facing now.
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