After A Diabetes Diagnosis
4 Precautionary Actions to Take
After being diagnosed with diabetes, be sure to keep in mind these four health concerns and find out if you need additional testing from medical professionals.
After A Diabetes Diagnosis #1:
Have Your Eyes Checked for Damage
If you have had diabetes for a long time before you were diagnosed, your eyes could have damage. Visit an ophthalmologist to have a comprehensive eye exam.
People with diabetes are at increased risk of eye diseases such as glaucoma, retinopathy, and cataracts. People with diabetes may also lose some of their peripheral vision if the condition is poorly controlled.
After A Diabetes Diagnosis #2:
Buy Compression Socks Made for Diabetics
Start wearing compression socks made for people with diabetes. These socks promote better circulation in the feet. They help to reduce the swelling that results from accumulated fluid and poor circulation.
Compression socks could also help to reduce your risk of diabetes-related foot diseases and neuropathy of the feet. These socks come in basic colours and offer flexibility and stretch for your comfort.
After A Diabetes Diagnosis #3:
Establish Care with a Podiatrist
People with diabetes are at risk of foot diseases because of the long-term effects of poor circulation. Because the feet are far from the heart, they often bear the brunt of inadequate circulation.
A podiatrist is able to regularly inspect the toes and feet of people with diabetes. Podiatrists can suggest or recommend creams, footwear, and hygiene practices that will help to protect the feet.
After A Diabetes Diagnosis #4:
Get Your Heart Checked on a Regular Basis
Among people who have diabetes, two out of three die as a result of cardiovascular disease.
This is why it is important to monitor your heart health. Have your blood pressure and cholesterol checked. Find out if you should have any tests such as an EKG.
Diabetes can also lead to cancer, due to excessive carbohydrate consumption and our modern day processed diet. So have regular screenings as a preventive measure.
It is possible to lead a healthy life with diabetes. Work with your doctor to set up a healthy eating plan. Include regular exercise as part of a healthy lifestyle.
Be sure to do all of the follow-up recommended by your doctor and holistic health practitioner, including blood sugar monitoring, wearing compression socks, and scheduling important screening tests.
You can help yourself by commencing taking a select number of premium supplements:
Try an oral stem cell supplement which stimulates your bone marrow to produce adult stem cells. These new stem cells can help your pancreas and your body tackle your diabetes problem.
Another very important supplement deals with reducing inflammation. The best product is Curcumin.
You should take a broad spectrum multivitamin and a bio-available plant-based minerals fully absorbable by your body.
Post by Rachelle Wilber
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