Aging Gracefully
Here are Your 3 Golden Keys

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However old you are, there is always a temptation to get into complex exercise routines and fad diets. In reality, the best course of action is to do some very simple things…
Aging Gracefully Key #1
Move More…
But it has never been easier to be so sedentary. We sit down all day and watch TV and seldom walk to our jobs. When we move more, we’re making the most of what our body was built to do.
However, we seem to forget that.
And yes, there are people who have common ailments and complaints, such as their backs. Around 90% of all people experience back problems in one form or another. And that’s because we’re stuck to our chairs!
There are a few simple things to do: get up every now and again, stretch, and look after your body.
For those that have major back problems, hanging upside down has been a useful method to realign your spine. The downside is that you can get inversion tables for back pain instead. It’s much easier than trying to impersonate a bat!
Aging Gracefully Key #2
Eat Less…
The things we could stomach when we were younger can keep us up at night. Being sensible about what you eat and how much you have is the key to improving your digestion.

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You can also take a probiotic. However, as the saying goes, everything in moderation.
The Japanese way of eating means that they stop when they’re 80% full. In the western world, we tend to gorge and overeat until we’re fit to burst! So increase your food quality and eat less! You’ll need to feel satisfied, so try the 80% rule and see if it works for you.
Aging Gracefully Key #3
Enjoy Yourself…
Is it something that we can emulate? Can we enjoy the same benefits? But for these people, it’s something we can’t copy.
For many people who are dying after the age of 100, they all say the same thing ~ that they enjoy life.
We all tend to work to live, not the other way around! And it’s this which contributes to our feasting on sugar to keep us happy, watch TV to dull the senses and not exercise because it’s “difficult.”
Sometimes it’s our lifestyle that gets the better of us. We’re simply not enjoying ourselves as much. Take time out, visit people, go to the movies, just live a little! It’s not a difficult thing to do, but it’s the key to a long and healthy life.
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