How to Beat Alcohol Addiction
5 Steps to Get Back Your Life Now!
Get free from the devastating grip of alcohol addiction on you
and its ravaging consequences in your life.
To beat alcohol addiction is important as addiction to this intoxicating beverage can happen insidiously and, oh so, very, very quickly. More so than anyone will ever realise!
Before you know it, you’re caught smack on! And once ensnared, a person will do anything to get a drink, steal a drink, lie for a drink, fit in a drink somewhere, hide a drinking binge…
Alcohol is a drug and is in the same league as cocaine and other hard drugs, in terms of addiction and dependency.
When you beat alcohol addiction, you’ll be giving yourself and your loved ones the best gift in life, ever.
To beat alcohol addiction is one of the most challenging things you’ll ever have to face. However, you can do it if you really set your mind to it – which you should. Life, after all, is beautiful…just look at your family. Your children…Or you four-legged darling dog…Your close friends…Are they not worth giving up your addiction for?
How all these people (and darling doggy!) would they hurt if anything tragic were to happen to you? Dogs are known to pine for their masters long after their (masters’) passing.
Think about all the things you want to achieve in life. Think about how you wouldn’t achieve any of them if you were to suffer severe liver failure.
And as a serious warning, if you suffer from liver disease, you MUST absolutely abstain from alcohol.
In the face of the aftermath horrors of alcoholism, now is a good moment to consider the benefits of alcohol abstinence.
Follow the 5 suggestions below to beat the one thing that’s currently ruining your life.
Beat Alcohol Addiction Step #1:
First, Beat It Mentally
Although it’s the physical urges you find most difficult to resist, your first step to beat alcohol addiction is to tackle the problem mentally.
You may feel powerless in the face of alcohol. You may feel that you are completely and undoubtedly in its control. You can get free and you must remember that.
.You survived once-upon-a-time without alcohol. You CAN to do exactly the same again. It just takes time, dedication, commitment and mental strength
Be gentle on yourself, but be strict and committed to beating your addition once and for all.
Beat Alcohol Addiction Step #2:
Get help to Help You Beat Alcohol Addiction
You may just be drinking a few glasses of wine in the evenings every single night. Or you may be downing straight spirits as soon as you’re awake.
Whatever your situation, never under-estimate an addiction and its hold on you.
Even if it hasn’t spiralled out of control just yet, just realise that your usual fix won’t be sufficient.
You’ll have to increase your consumption to keep your addiction satisfied.
Reach out to family and friends to help you to get through bad patches. They can hold your hand, listen to music with you, pray with and for you. They care for you more than you know.
Celebrities often take themselves away to rehab, so why can’t you? Get professional help. Seeking treatment for addiction quit your alcoholic dependency for good is smart and to be applauded!
It can be difficult and even dangerous quitting addiction alone, and the good new is that you don’t need to.
Beat Alcohol Addiction Step #3:
Get Fit and Healthy
An addiction often, most times, leads to poor health. Alcohol takes its toll on your body.
It leaches vital minerals from your blood and bones. It can lead to dementia, diabetes, liver and kidney failure, heart disease, cancer…the list is endless.
Cancer is worth mentioning here. Alcohol brims with sugar. This leads to insulin spikes, soon making you an alcoholic diabetic. One thing leads to another, and cancer is can be the next stage: just be aware that cancer cells feed on sugar.
Get yourself fit and healthy. Revamp your diet with real food to include vegetables, healthy meats and lowering your carbohydrate intake.
It is advisable to join a group of like-minded healthy individuals who eat in a similar way.
You’ll find that you feel so much better about yourself and your life. This will motivate you to continue your journey to beat alcohol addiction.
Many people exercise to look better or to have more energy. So can you. So get going and start exercising for wellness.
If you need to lose excess weight, go ahead and do it: swimming, walking, hiking…Increased blood flow and oxygen will make you feel so much better and slimmer. Stopping drinking will help no end in this respect. Your life is certainly worth it!
Beat Alcohol Addiction Step #4:
Recognise Your Weaknesses and Triggers
By identifying where you fall down, you will be able to avoid the temptation when it’s at its worst.
Have a think about when you drink – and why. Is it after a stressful and difficult day at work? Is it “a treat” or a necessity alongside your dinner?
You need to remove any routine associated with drinking.
Surround yourself with people and situations that don’t force you to give in and binge drink.
For example, you may go out every weekend and get absolutely wasted on double vodkas. In such a case, you need to consider doing something else with your weekends off instead.
If it’s party season and you don’t want to be the odd one out by avoiding alcohol like the plague, take a friend along with you. Make sure this person is a good influence and knows about your addiction. This individual can be the angel to keep you on the straight and narrow when temptation rears its ugly head.
Or very simply, don’t go to bars and parties where alcohol is served. Or find a different set of friends who don’t drink. There is always a way out if you are determined to kick your addiction.
Beat Alcohol Addiction Step #5
Think of The Bad Memories Associated with Drinking
Think about all the times you’ve made a complete fool of yourself whilst on the booze. It’s not actually impressive being able to down a whole bottle of gin straight.
If you did it as a party trick to impress your friends, they won’t be wowed by your performance.
Instead, they’ll be deeply concerned and secretly talking about your drinking problem when you’re not there.
Have you ever ruined a relationship or friendship with stupid things you said when you were drunk? Why would you want to repeat the same mistakes?
Make up your mind, however difficult. Get help. Lean on others. Whatever. But beat alcohol addiction now. Your life is worth it. Do it for yourself. Do it for your loved ones.
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