The Benefits of Wheatgrass Juice
16 Best Gems!
What These Can Do For Your Health

You might question the extraordinary benefits of wheatgrass juice because you will first find your first taste of the juice very intense.
However, if you want to focus on health and move to a healthier lifestyle, wheatgrass juice can prove be a nutritionally packed and natural alternative.
I proved my love for the juice when I bought a wheatgrass juicer which I reviewed. My family first joked about the juicer. But soon they saw the difference a juicer can make in the quality and yield of juice.
Wheatgrass juicers work by masticating or chewing the wheatgrass to release the nutrients that are otherwise locked behind food walls to efficiently juice the green and produce a cold pressed juice which is loaded with nutrition and health.
Nutritional Analysis of Wheatgrass
An ounce of wheatgrass contains –
120 calories,
8 grams of dietary fibre,
240% of the RDA of vitamin A,
93% of the RDA of vitamin C,
356% of the RDA of iron, and
12% of the RDA of calcium.
8 grams of protein.
Wheatgrass contains full spectrum of vitamins and minerals, along with chock full of amino acids, enzymes, and chlorophyll.
Wheatgrass has been scientifically proven to treat many conditions and improve health. If you are not yet convinced about the amazing health and beauty benefits of wheatgrass, take a look at the intensive list here –
Top Health and Beauty Benefits of Wheatgrass
1. Wheatgrass improves production of hemoglobin and improve immunity.
2. It helps treat skin disease like psoriasis and eczema. It’s anti-bacterial effects also
3. Wheatgrass helps control blood sugar levels in diabetic patients.
4. It stimulates metabolism, curb appetite and beneficial in weight management.
5. Wheatgrass also stimulates the thyroid gland.
6. The high alkalinity helps in detoxification of liver and blood by flush out toxins and helps prevent cancer.
7. Wheatgrass helps improve blood circulation as it has the ability to increase the level of oxygen in blood due to high chlorophyll content.
8. It helps improve digestion and prevent digestive disorders like heartburn, indigestion, irritable bowel.
9. It helps reduce cholesterol by blocking its absorption.
10. The high chlorophyll helps treat arthritis and reduce joint pain due to its anti-
11. Effective in reduction of blood pressure.
12. Wheatgrass works as a body deodorizer and regular consumption can reduce the
13. Gargling with wheatgrass juice can help prevent tooth decay.
14. It is great in treating skin wounds because of the its ability to regenerate cells. Its anti-
15. Wheatgrass is also effective in fighting common cold and other respiratory tract
16. It is also helpful in treating urinary tract disorders including BPH, bladder infection and prostate infection.
Points to Remember
You should embark on the wheatgrass juice journey slowly, starting with an ounce a day and when comfortable move up to 2 ounce a day level. High quantities of wheatgrass can make you nauseous and make you very sick, as it is highly potent.
You should remember that wheatgrass juice is not a food but a cleanser and should not be consumed everyday for extended period of time. Regular consumption over a longer period of time can also cause aversion.
The best time to ingest wheatgrass is in the morning, on an empty stomach. Consumption after a meal can also make you feel nauseous.
Namrata Kothari
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