Your Best Foundational Health Improvements
4 Top Wins to Turn Around A Sluggish Body

Health is wealth although not many people are aware of this. That is, until we don’t have good health any more!
Sure, we all want the best health possible for ourselves and our families. However, with the amount of misinformation circulating around in the media today, it’s difficult to sift out the real from the trash!
However, let’s start with the absolute common sense basics as the foundation on which you can build on to turn your health around.
Below are 4 simple ways that you can follow to start improving your health starting now, today.
Your Best Foundational Health Improvements #1
Drink More Water
“Medications are palliatives. They are not designed to cure the degenerative diseases of the body.”—-F. Batmanghelidj, M.D
Your body is 70% water. Water regulates many of your bodily functions. Your body literally cries out for water when you do not drink (water not booze) enough water. Read more about this here: Your Body’s Many Cries for Water
Your Best Foundational Health Improvements #2
Eat A Varied Diet made with REAL FOOD INGREDIENTS
Such so-called ‘foods’ are not recognisable by our bodies. So, such on-going ‘nutrition’ on a regular basis, day-in-day-out, year-in-year-out can only result in ill health in the long run.
Adding real fruits, vegetables and proteins to your diet is the only way to go. You cannot expect good health any other way. Eating real food is smart common sense!
Try our Chicken Wing Delice or our Gourmet Salad made with REAL INGREDIENTS, and you will certainly change your mind about how you eat!
Your Best Foundational Health Improvements #3
Quit Toxins
Environmental, household and dietary toxins are usually the prime precursors to degenerative illnesses including cancer and heart disease just to name two of the top ones.
If you smoke, then quitting smoking now is important. If anyone tells you it’s really not that dangerous to smoke, this is a great smoking myth, and you should walk away from this person ~ NOW!
Lung cancer is linked to smoking. Take a look at your life and those who you love and who love you. Is it really worth it to sacrifice all this …. for a cigarette??? There are several ways to stop smoking. including hypnosis which works incredibly well.
If your boozing has turned into a full-blown addiction, you need to professional help.
There are many organizations which do a good job to help you overcome your addiction, one of which is the famous AA, Alcoholics Anonymous.
Your Best Foundational Health Improvements #4
Do Away with Stress
Learn how to stop mental stress to reduce stress levels, and even eliminate your stress.
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Share with us and our readers your tips and tricks for creating foundational health improvements. We’d love to learn. Thanks!
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