How to Break Your Addiction Once and for All
5 SureFire Ways to Do This
No matter what form your addiction takes, you’ll find that many others have had the same problem and help and support are available. But recovery is never easy.
Here are 5 Proven Methods to Break Your Addiction that you can count on:
Break Your Addiction #1:
Enrol for Treatment Programs
Addiction programs usually focus on ridding yourself of addiction and preventing relapses through support. Mentors, group sessions, and family sessions may be part of a program so you realize the consequences of your problem and find encouragement.
Depending on the level of severity, programs could take place in restricted facilities, as an outpatient, or regular meetings.
Break Your Addiction #2:
Use Psychotherapy and Related Therapies
This typically involves face-to-face sessions with a psychologist or other qualified therapist. They help you to control cravings, anger, and discover the source of addictive behaviors while forming a recovery plan and adhering to it. Often family members are encouraged to get involved.
For milder or post-addiction problems, you can also find hypnotic or audio tapes to reinforce healthy behaviors at an unconscious level.
Break Your Addiction #3:
Join Self-Help Groups
Hearing someone else’s story of disaster and recovery helps you to put your own problem in perspective, and offers hope for making progress.
There are groups of one kind or another in most major towns and cities, and they’re often free.
Break Your Addiction #4:
Help and Treatment for Fighting Withdrawal Symptoms
Detoxifying the body may lead to frightening symptoms such as high heart rates, nausea, and even seizures and hallucinations. Gradually symptoms taper off, but it’s important to have medical treatment available.
You’ll find many modern facilities are staffed with Nurse Practitioners who have specialized training and experience.
Break Your Addiction #5:
Get Help from Social Workers
Your local social services department can put you in touch with good programs or facilities to detox your body and get counseling. Curb your pride and get the help you need.
Many people who recover go on to programs like an online masters of social work so that they can help others. This is an excellent means of helping to stay sober while giving back to the community.
Even if you feel your addiction is mild or harmless, you should stop and ask yourself how it has impacted your health, relationships, and career. If you see a need for improvement, it’s time to find the best treatment options.
Dixie Somers
Luckily says
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