How Best to Avoid Calcium Deficiency Disease
All About Calcium Deficiency Disease
What is Calcium Deficiency?
Questions, Questions, Questions….!
Why Calcium Deficiency Occurs…
Is Calcium Deficiency Common?
What Causes Calcium Deficiency?

Hypocalcemia is the medical term for Calcium deficiency disease. Unknown to most of us, calcium deficiency disease is a global health problem! The majority of people, the world over, are simply getting insufficient calcium from their diets.
This is not just particularly problematic in developing nations where food sources may be scarce, but also in wealthy nations where the soils are so depleted of nutrients and where franken (processed foods) junk foods have become fashionable and a way of life!
A perfect diet with the proper nutrition as nature planned and provided initially would enable our bodies run like a finely-tuned machine. However, the reality in our 21st century world is that it’s not always possible to obtain the right balance of vitamins and minerals for our every day bodily requirements. Our busy lifestyles or long work shifts can affect our eating habits.
Additionally, dietary requirements due to challenges like allergies or intolerances, religious needs or illnesses can all mean we have to avoid certain food groups or generally miss out on some of the things our bodies need.
Over time, these deficiencies can lead to problematic health, and a calcium deficiency is one such issue.
What is calcium and where is it found?
Calcium is a mineral your body needs to carry out many important functions. It’s known for its ability to build strong bones and teeth. Additionally, your heart, muscles and nerves also need calcium to function properly.
Every day our body loses calcium through our- skin and nails through sweat and when we use the toilet.
However, because our bodies aren’t able to produce more calcium to replace that which is lost, it’s crucial to get enough of it through our diet.
Along with the obvious milk, there are a lot of other sources of calcium too. Other dairy such as yogurt and cheese are excellent sources and tend to be easier to digest and absorb than milk. Leafy green vegetables such as cabbage and spinach, nuts, certain fish and also tofu are great ways to get calcium into your body.
7 Signs of severe Calcium deficiency:
- Mental confusion, irritability, depression, and anxiety
. - Tooth decay
. - Insufficient blood clotting
. - Bone fractures
. - Osteopenia or osteoporosis
. - Growth and development delays in children
. - Heart problems involving blood pressure and heart rhythms
6 Signs and Symptoms of Minor Calcium Deficiency
Which Can Lead to Calcium Deficiency Disease
- Muscle Cramps
. - Poor Appetite
. - Weak / Brittle Finger Nails
. - Difficulty in Swallowing
. - Numbness in/ Tingling, Fingers
. - Fainting/Lethargy
Who Is At Most Risk, Most Vulnerable to Calcium Deficiency Disease?
- Adolescents, both boys and girls
. - Menopausal Women, and women over 50 years of age
. - Men over the age of 70
. - Vegans
What causes calcium deficiency? Who is at risk of becoming calcium deficient?
If you exclude dairy from your diet due to veganism, religious reasons or just preference then you have an increased risk of becoming deficient in calcium.
However, there are many other sources of non-dairy calcium, meaning you don’t have to eat animal products for this nutrient.
Older adults are another group that tend to be affected by calcium deficiencies, hormonal changes (particularly in women after the menopause) can result in calcium being leeched from the bones. This can lead to brittle bones, osteoporosis and an increased risk of falling with catastrophic effects. If you fall into this group then it may be worth incorporating a supplement like osterine to prevent these issues.
If you suffer with another health challenge, then this could affect the way your kidneys absorb calcium. For example, any problems with the parathyroid glands which control the body’s calcium level will affect the absorption of calcium. Kidney disorders can also be a cause as again the kidney isn’t storing the calcium and is instead removing it in the urine.
What are the effects of a calcium deficiency?
Calcium deficiency can reduce bone strength and lead to osteoporosis. While it’s rarely seen in the developed world, calcium deficiency can cause rickets in children and other bone disorders in adults.
A long-term calcium deficiency can lead to dental changes, cataracts, alterations in the brain. For this reason, it’s crucial to incorporate calcium-rich foods into your diet and add a supplement, too, if needed.
Foods Rich in Calcium for Calcium Deficiency
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