Can A Healthy Lifestyle Cure Disease?

There’s a lot of bogus information out there about health and disease. Some tenuous links suggest specific foods cause diseases, whilst others advocate eating huge amounts of one food group to avoid ailments.
It can be difficult to sort the fact from the fiction. Especially when studies are carried out on small groups of people and aren’t widely available.
The idea that a healthy lifestyle could cure diseases began as a small rumble in the healthcare industry. It’s now a roar that we just can’t ignore.
So, what is the links between health eating, exercise, and disease?
Can A Healthy Lifestyle Cure Disease?
Strategy #1: Let Food (and exercise) Be Thy Medicine!
Can A Healthy Lifestyle Cure Disease?
Strategy #2: Exercise
Exercise is a good way to improve our mood, increase our energy levels and flexibility, and help us to lose weight. Losing weight is important when tackling heart conditions.
Being overweight puts a strain on our heart and can exacerbate, or cause certain diseases. Any activity that raises our hearts rate is good.
Start small with walks, household chores, and perhaps build up to a run. You can make your workouts harder by incorporating weights.
The best weighted vests, for example, are ones where you can take out and adjust the intensity of an exercise to suit your fitness level.
Can A Healthy Lifestyle Cure Disease?
Strategy #3: Keep Type 2 Diabetes Away
Some diseases are caused or made worse by our food consumption.
Type 2 diabetes, for instance, is believed to be completely preventable. If a person eats a healthy diet, loses weight, stops smoking, and exercises, there is no reason for them to be diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.
This serious condition can actually result in cardiovascular disease, kidney failure, and blindness.
Whilst medication is available for those with this form of diabetes, it is believed to be more effective to treat type 2 diabetes with exercise and a healthy diet. Whilst type 2 diabetes can be a result of genetics, it’s mostly linked to lifestyle factors.
Can A Healthy Lifestyle Cure Disease?
Strategy #3: Prevent Heart Disease and Obesity
Obesity and heart disease are a major problem for many of the developed, Western world. With more and more overweight people suffering from heart attacks, something has to change. Some people would have you believe diet is to blame.
Obesity is caused by eating far more calories than we burn. Obesity itself actually contributes to other diseases like heart disease, high blood pressure, some cancers, and gallstones.
Being overweight puts a significant amount of pressure on the heart. Losing weight is the best possible solution.
Low-energy-dense foods like fruits and vegetables contain a lower number of calories than other foods. This means we can consume more of it. High-energy-dense foods should be avoided or cut down where possible.
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