Caring For a Mentally Ill Child
3 Smart Tips to Help A Parent’s Nightmare
As parents we want to protect our children and wrap them up in cotton wool.
So when things go wrong with their health, it can be nothing short of a nightmare. As well as physical health, children can sometimes develop problems with their mental health too.
If you’ve found yourself in this unfortunate position, here’s what to do next…
Caring For a Mentally Ill Child: Tip #1
Get a Diagnosis
Finding out exactly what’s wrong is the first step. Keep an eye on any unusual symptoms or behaviours. These can help the doctor with their diagnosis.
It might not be all plain sailing. To find out what’s wrong might take a while. But once you have a diagnosis, you can at least take the next step forward.
Learn as much as you can about the condition. Get as much information as you can from your doctor. Then do your own research too.
Find out what the possible causes were. What are the symptoms your child is likely to experience? What are the treatment options? What is the outlook for the future?
Knowing your child’s condition inside-out allows you to give him the help and support he needs. You can understand what it is he’s going through. You can get clued up on his medication, know exactly what it is and how it works.
Caring For a Mentally Ill Child: Tip #2
Look Into Rehab and Hospitalization Programs
Your child may be suffering from conditions such as eating disorders, substance abuse, self-harm or other complex disorders. If so, your child is likely to need professional help.
You can find information on hospitalization programs on internet sites.
Your child will thus have access to the professionals and treatment he needs.
He’ll be in a safe environment where he can recover and heal. He will receive help to work through his physical and emotional difficulties.
Such an environment can be highly beneficial to you both. It also takes some of the pressure off you as his carer and parent during this turbulent time.
Caring For a Mentally Ill Child: Tip #3
Get Support and Advice
There are many helpful forums where you can go to, to connect with others for support and advice.
Here, you can chat with other parents and people in a similar situation. You could open up to family and friends. Or you could even call a helpline if you feel unable to cope.
It’s a difficult situation to deal with. You can’t be expected to be strong all the time. If you need a shoulder to cry on, there’s no shame in that.
And remember, you can’t pour from an empty cup. To successfully care for your child, you need to care for yourself too. Don’t neglect your own needs in the process.
Be sure you’re eating well, exercising and taking time to de-stress where possible. This will put you in the best position for caring for someone else.
Many parents blame themselves when their child experiences mental health difficulties. It’s important not to do so. Just keep looking forward and do what you can.

Are you caring for a child with mental health difficulties? What advice can you offer other parents and carers in a similar situation?
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