The Benefits of Alcohol Abstinence
The Grand Teetotal: The 5 Big Trumps
While it may seem that most of your co-workers hit the bar after a stressful day at work or that all of your friends drink at parties, not everyone drinks.
According to the National Epidemiological Survey of Alcohol and Related Conditions, 33 percent of adults over the age of 21 in the United States don’t drink alcohol. The majority of those who do drink have three or fewer alcoholic drinks per week.
For these people who drink, it is good to know how long alcohol stays in your system, so you can monitor and pace yourself.
Long-term and regular consumption of alcohol has been known to lead to degenerative diseases which include diabetes, heart disease and cancer. It is the sugar in the alcohol which does the damage. The first drink of alcohol may seem fun, but sustained abuse has dire consequences on your health and your very life itself.
If you choose to join the one-third of the Western world who abstain from alcohol, you can experience a variety of benefits, of which 5 are list below:
The Benefits of Alcohol Abstinence #1:
Improved Mood and Mental Health
When things in life get tough, one of the first things that many people want to turn to is alcohol in order to improve their mood. Unfortunately, the opposite is true.
Alcohol consumption has been found to worsen mood and depression rather than improve it. A study published in the Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs found that not only can drinking cause temporary “substance-induced depression,” drinking over time can also damage serotonin production in the brain. This can cause long-term depression.
Abstaining from alcohol can improve your mood, boost mental clarity and decrease depression and anxiety.
The Benefits of Alcohol Abstinence #2:
Weight Loss (or no considerable weight gain) from alcohol
If you are counting the macros, fat, carbohydrates and protein you eat in order to lose weight, you will soon find out that there is no category or room for alcohol.
Alcohol doesn’t provide any nutrition for the body and is considered to be “empty calories.” Studies have found that people who regularly drink wine consume approximately 2,000 calories a month.
Abstaining from alcohol can help your waistline shrink and improve your health. Add a diet of real food, sufficient quality sleep and a consistent fitness routine, you could see a svelte and vibrant new you in a relatively short space in time.
The Benefits of Alcohol Abstinence #3:
Increase Your chances of Conception
If you and your partner are trying to have a baby, abstaining from alcohol may help.
Most people know that drinking alcohol during pregnancy can harm the growing fetus but don’t know that it can hinder pregnancy from occurring.
A study published in Fertility and Sterility found that men who regularly drank alcohol had lower sperm concentration and mobility. Another study found that women who drank fewer than five drinks per week were more likely to conceive than women who drank more than five glasses per week.
To further increase your chances of conceiving a healthy baby, take the best premium plant-based bio-available nutrients daily. These include minerals, the spark plugs of life, a broad spectrum multi-vitamin, vital Vitamin C and curcumin to combat inflammation.
Stem cell support supplements can give you the extra protection and boost for your chances of conceiving a healthy baby.
What a great prospect, just from giving up drinking alcohol!
The Benefits of Alcohol Abstinence #4:
You Save Money
If you are looking to buy the latest phone, television or even upgrade your car, cutting out alcohol can save you money.
The Center for Disease Control reports that the average alcohol drink costs $2.05 and that the average person spends $807 per year on alcoholic drinks. Saving for the latest electronic gadget could be as simple as abstinence.
The Benefits of Alcohol Abstinence #5:
You Automatically Become A Safer Driver
Every day, people die in motor vehicles accidents caused by alcohol-impaired drivers. In a self-reported survey, there were 111 million episodes of alcohol-related driving in 2016.
Driving while under the influence of alcohol can cause death and life-long injuries. Abstaining from alcohol means that you will be a safer driver and won’t have to worry about becoming a statistic.
Whether you want to stop drinking cold-turkey or begin reducing the number of alcoholic drinks you consume per week, becoming a “teetotaler” has many benefits. Abstaining from alcohol can help you bring new life into this world, improve your health and may just save the life of another.
If you have an addiction to alcohol, it is important to seek professional help. It is very difficult to quit alcohol on your own. Having the proper guidance and help will go a long way in helping you kick this dangerous habit.
Article by Dixie Somers