Natural Simple Remedies for Common Health Problems
5 Common Challenges & 9 Remedies
We’ve all been there, you’re struggling with everyday health problems: insomnia, dry skin, spots, backache, weight gain or toenail fungus.
The list never ends. There are a million different things you can try from the local pharmacy or online remedies….but what if none of them works?
Well, below are 5 suggestions for common ailments. Let these be that particular miracle cure for you. You’ll wonder why you never heard about it before!
Natural Simple Remedies for Common Health Problems #1:
General Lethargy, Malaise and Feeling Down all the time
Eat Real Food: A Healthy, Delicious Diet is The Backbone of Your Health
If you have health, you have wealth. It sounds a cliche, but it’s true. With health, you can pursue most everything you want.
Just try going for a walk in in beautiful Queen Mary’s Garden in London’s Regent Park in the spring if you’ve got crippling arthritis; or eating your favourite dish from Master Chef if you’re suffering from leaky gut; or playing bridge and trying to win the hand if you’re Alzheimer’s afflicted. The list doesn’t end here.
So take care of your health. Join like-minded groups of people who practise real food therapy and eat delicious, real food!
Natural Simple Remedies for Common Health Problems #2:
Allergies and Rashes
Allergies and rashes, especially rashes, are prevalent all year round but particularly in the summer months. The most common allergy is hay fever. An allergy can also be due to a flaw in your immune system with your body over-reacting to an allergen.
Sometimes, the causes could well be in your home! We love our pets but honestly, strictly no pets – animals of birds! If you still suffer after cleaning up your home and throwing away possible allergy and rash triggers, and you haven’t quite found the right thing to ease your allergy, then a Neti pot might be for you.
It looks like a little teapot, which you fill with sterilized water and saline solution. You need to put the spout in one nostril and tip the pot up, so the water flows through your sinuses and out the other nostril. Not only will this do wonders to help with your allergies, but it also helps with colds and sinus and tension headaches.
Certain allergies are treated with pharmaceutical antihistamines. However, this may cause drowsiness.
Suggested Natural Remedies for allergies and rashes:
- The primary herb in phytotherapy is Ephedra.
. - Take copious quantities of herbal teas:
Nettles, Elderflower, Lime Flowers, Chamomile, Red Sage, Centaury, Ground Ivy, Plantain.
HOW to prepare:
1 heaped teaspoon to each cup boiling water; infuse 5-10 minutes. 1 cup 1 to 3 times daily.
. - Take a Liquid Extract: Ephedra sinica BHP (1983):
Dose – 1-3ml 3 times daily.
. - Tincture: Ephedra sinica BHP (1983) 1:4 in 45 % alcohol.
Dose: 6-8ml three times daily.
. - For Skin: Burdock, Marshmallow root, Parsley root.
. - Nervous Hyperactivity: Valerian. Add to your current remedies.
. - Diet: Eggs and dairy products are known to cause allergies. Eat one raw salad daily. Increase your protein consumption, cooked and raw vegetables.
. - Supplements:
Vitamin A, B-complex, Vitamin C. Curcumin from Tumeric anti-inflammatory, Bromelain anti-inflammatory, Selenium, Zinc. I highly recommend natural supplements made from real foods. Click bottles below to get yours!
Natural Simple Remedies for Common Health Problems #3:
Detoxification for skin, liver, kidneys and more!
You skin is the largest organ of your body, so it makes sense to keep it squeaky clean. So brushing it can not only help to improve your circulation, and it is also perfect for your skin too. Skin brushing helps to remove dead skin cells, helps to drain the lymphatic system (which gets rid of toxins), and unclog pores.
If you suffer from bad circulation then don’t just opt for tablets from the doctor. You could try sorting it out yourself. Get a professional skin brush: The brush should have a long handle for you to be able to brush down your back, and it should have naturally stiff bristles. Click on the brush image and get yours today to start brushing your skin!
Premium Dry Brushing Body Brush for Glowing Tighter Skin – Plastic-Free Dry Brush with Natural Bristles and Long Handle to Easily Exfoliate Dry Skin
Herbs can also help you detox the various organs of your body.
To remove:
Mercury: use Sarsaparilla
Toxicity from radiation: use Chlorella
Internal Cleansing:
- Lungs: Angelica root, Mullein
- Kidneys, Urinary Tract: Burdock, Dandelion
- Liver: Milk Thistle, Dandelion
- Skin: Yellow Dock, Chamomile.
- Blood: Burdock, Yellow Dock, Red Clover
- Intestinal tract: Fenugreek, Slippery Elm, Meadowsweet
- Lymphatic System: Poke Root, Figwort
- Mucous Membranes: Goldenseal
- Womb: Raspberry Leaves
Natural Simple Remedies for Common Health Problems #4:
Pain Relief
No one likes to suffer. We’ve all been hardwired to recoil from pain. Indeed, pain can be extremely miserable and is a very personal lonely suffering as no one else can suffer your physical pain for you!
There are countless treatments for pain from NSAIDs to Over-the-counter remedies like aspirin, panadol and ibuprofen.
If you have tried everything you can think and are still pulling your hair out, then it could be time to try using high concentration CBD oil. The effects of CBD oil on your brain’s receptors are supposedly able to help you manage your pain. It has been reported to help people to deal with arthritis, chronic pain, MS pain, muscle pain, and spinal cord injuries.
If your pain gets chronic, you should consult your physician, who may suggest stronger pain-relief drugs. In such a situation, you may want to consider complementary holistic pain relief methods.
Natural Simple Remedies for Common Health Problems #5:
Lower Stress Levels
Stress is never fun, and stress, taken to the extreme, can break down your immune system leading to cancer, heart attacks and other degenerative illnesses.
So stop mental stress by learning now how to do simple mental exercises. And another important hack is to learn to forgive. This one hack will increase your dopamine levels no end and could well save your life!.

Never take things too seriously. Ever heard of the saying “laughter is the best medicine“? Well, there’s some truth to it as according to the Mayo Clinic.
The immediate benefits of laughing include lowered stress levels and reduced muscle tension due to increased oxygen intake and improved circulation.
Long term effects include an improved mood, pain relief and a boost to your immune system. It sounds like it’s time to find something to giggle about!
Natural Simple Remedies for Common Health Problems #6:
Fight Off Common Colds
Certain people routinely suffer from common colds no matter what the weather is. If you’re one such person, then it might be a good idea make your home healthier because your home is usually a harbinger of quite a few nasties contributing to unexplainable ill health.
Certain common house plants could possibly help you to fight off colds in additional to being decorative. Other plants including indoor vines are also good options!
So, you may want to consider putting several house plants in your internal living area to freshen up your living area. It’s worth a try to help decrease symptoms of coughs, sore throats, fatigue, and other cold-related infections.
Premium Dry Brushing Body Brush for Glowing Tighter Skin – Plastic-Free Dry Brush with Natural Bristles and Long Handle to Easily Exfoliate Dry Skin
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