How to Nurture Your Children towards A Positive Life Path
4 Vitally Important Areas!
We all want to give our children the best. A big and important of this parental mission is guiding them in life skills, understanding and wellness. This involves showing them how to live a balanced life and make good choices.
We want to help our children make healthy decisions in all areas of their lives.
How to Nurture Your Children towards A Positive Life Path
Below are 4 important areas to address:
#1. Looking After Their Mental and Psychological Health
Health for the whole body starts in the mind. If your child suffers from anxiety and stress , that can seep into every other aspect of their life.
It is our job as parents to ensure we make their home lives as stress-free as possible. If they have too much on their plates, it may be best to suggest they reorder their priorities. It’s equally important to not let our own worries affect them, as this can create negative feelings and further concern in our kids.
To help them when they face a difficult situation, we can enrol them in yoga classes for children. Here, they can learn healthy habits which will last them a life time.
Learning to breathe slowly can help them to regulate their emotions and physical responses to stress. It is a discreet way for them to tackle a stressful situation in the moment and to think clearly on it, like when they’re overwhelmed by homework or an exam.
For mentally ill children, take professional advice. And ask for help from family members. It is a time to pull together. Difficult, yes, but it has to be done. It can be done!
#2. Eating Sensibly ~ Good Diet and Nutrition
A healthy diet is important for adults, but doubly so for children. Their little bodies are still growing and developing.
This is also the time to teach and guide them towards a healthy relationship with food. You want to nurture them and teach them the skills they need to make informed, wholesome decisions.
Ensure they have three full, balanced meals a day as well as appropriate snacks; it’s helpful to have healthy options in pre-portioned sizes within easy reach that they can grab when they’re hungry. The more active they are, the more they need to eat.
It’s also a good idea to start teaching them how to cook, as this will be a skill they use their whole lives. This includes learning recipes and cooking techniques. And it also can include how to choose nutritious food over junk that provides no healthful benefit.
Of course, treats should never be shamed, but there is no harm in giving helpful hints. Give gentle reminders, like how to replace processed sugar with natural sweeteners, such as stevia.
Your little one should have a good, healthy relationship with food and health.
#3. Staying Active
Fitness should be fun, not a chore. If it’s fun to do, it’s easier to not put it off. There are many ways to keep our children healthy and active.
Ideally, children should be getting at least an hour of physical activity. This may seem like a lot, but it does not need to be done all at once.
It could be thirty minutes playing a sport at school. Or another twenty climbing on the jungle gym at recess. And then a ten-minute walk as a break during homework.
You also need to set a good example yourself. Children who see their parents leading active lifestyles and exercising tend to be healthier themselves. And so, these children often score better when undergoing exercise testing.
You could make fitness a time to bond with the whole family. If you have a dog, bring it out along with everyone for a walk.
Do a scavenger hunt on weekends or bike rides after school. Just emphasize how fun exercise can be, and your kids won’t resist it.
#4. Nurturing Their Confidence
Confidence is a large part of emotional and overall well-being. We need to do what we can to encourage them, especially when they fail. They need to learn that failure may be a part of life, and that it can be an integral step toward success.
That means letting your child explore and do things independently from a young age. It could mean socialising with children their own age through activities in groups like girl guides, boy scouts and in summer camps.
It’s also important to guide them to hurdles you know they can manage so they can experience success in addition to any challenges they encounter.
It’s our job as parents to make sure our children have the tools they need to be successful. That means giving them what they need to eat wisely and manage a fitness routine. It also includes looking after their emotional well-being. After all, it should be a goal for our little ones to grow into happy, healthy adults.
Article by Julia Merrill
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