Stress Relief Tips for The Physical Symptoms of Stress
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If you think back to the last time when you felt sick, what was the reason behind it? Was it your job, or a huge life event like divorce or a death of someone dear, that was troubling you at the time?
Ill health and malaise always occur right when you least expect it to. Every time you look forward to something, you seem to simply just fall ill! But what if it’s not really something that just ‘happens to you‘ or the fault of ‘Fate’? Perhaps the reason you’re sick at every important moment in your life is because you are stressed up to the max?
When stressed, we have a compromised immune system which make us susceptible to pick up every bug going. Almost ¾ of all visits to the doctor’s when we are unwell are stress-related. But… know that stress has so much more of a mental effect on the body than it does the physical.
Stress tends to make us act out. The fight or flight instinct is a big pusher here, and we do what we can to soothe the fear we feel. Some people shop themselves into debt, others binge eat. Yet others drink themselves into oblivion to numb their fear, and then require the help of an alcohol detox.
However, the more we lean on these compulsions, the worse our health deteriorates. We know we’re not doing ourselves any favours. And just like sliding down a slippery slope, we just cannot help it! Our brains and hormones are seemingly in survival mode, just to keep our heads above water.
So, with this in mind, what can we do to limit stress? What can we do to help our body and mind to not just cope, but to arise from our stress victorious? Let’s take a look.
Stress Relief Tips For The Physical Symptoms of Stress
Stress does a lot to your body. With the immune system response much lowered, you are going to feel so many different ways. Some of the physical symptoms of stress include:
Stress Relief Tips #1
For Exhaustion
The constant pressure the brain is under can make you feel physically exhausted. Your brain works in overdrive, which depletes your energy stores and makes you feel like you haven’t slept for a month!
The best course of action is to relax, meditate and/or follow this yoga practice to reduce stress in 5 ways.
.Stress Relief Tips #2
for Insomnia
.Unfortunately, with the exhaustion comes a level of unprecedented insomnia. You’re going to be so busy thinking that your brain cannot shut off. Stress can release cortisol and adrenaline into the system, which work together to keep you awake. So, while you’re absolutely exhausted, your body does not care and will not rest.
Here are several tips to treat insomnia
1. Limit your caffeine intake
2. Refrain from heavy meals just before bedtime
3. Lower your consumption of nicotine
4. Use natural remedies to aid sleep, like herbal teas and tinctures: lavender, valerian
5. Make sure your bedroom is pitch black
6. Stop all digital screens an hour before sleep
7. Remove all electronic and blue light equipment from your bedroom. Use your bedroom just for sleeping.
8. Wind down one hour before your bedtime to allow your brain to calm down for sleep. Do some yoga or meditation.
.Stress Relief Tips #3
For Aches and Pain
Body aches as a stress response are quite normal, although not the nicest thing to deal with. Stress can lead to muscle aches and chest tightness. Stress causes inflammation, which is the main cause of most aches and pain. You can treat aches and pains with these natural remedies, either in food or in supplements:
1. Capsaisin
2. Devil’s Claw
3. Ginger
4. Feverfew
5. Fish Oil
6. Turmeric
7. Resveratrol.
Additionally, you may want to add in energy healing like Reiki. We are all energy creations. Combine Reiki with the herbs and supplements above, you should get good results.
.Stress Relief Tips #4
For Changes In Appetite
.Stress makes you do one of two things: eat far more than you should, or not eat at all. The Changes in appetite are a direct response to your hormones and they will be a difficult change to cope with.
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The best thing that you can do is to cut out junk food and make a 360-degree change to eating wholesome, real food. Choose to maintain a healthy, balanced diet as much as possible. Avoid processed oils and carbohydrates which stress the body.
Stress-Behavioural Symptoms
Stress will cause mood changes, which will lead to changes in behaviour. You may not notice your own behaviour changing, but it’s going to be blindly obvious to everyone around you.
You may become snappy, sharp and feel rage even when you don’t know where it’s coming from. Stress tends to burst out of us without our control, and it can lead to excessive drinking and even drug abuse. You may withdraw into yourself, not wanting to have too much social interaction. It’s all part of the parcel of feeling stressed.
Mood Stress Symptoms
Some people deal with stressful situations with bungee jumping or going to karate classes. Other people may opt for something more relaxing like a good massage. One very effective solution is the Thai Yoga Massage.
Stress makes us react in different ways. It’s a huge trigger for those dealing with mass anxiety. These individuals tend to be quick to anger and fast to get frustrated when things get tough.
The flash of anger is hard to cope with for most, and there are common health issues that can result in:
- Tension Headaches
- Stroke/Heart Attack
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. - High blood pressure
- Chest pains
- Stomach ulcers
- Insomnia
- Diabetes
- Cancer
Stress Relief Tips #5
For Managing Your Stress
It’s so hard to stay away from stress triggers, but if you know how to manage your stress properly, you will be fine.
The key to managing your stress is to relax and learn what diffuses the tension for you. Some people do it with reading or watching movies, and others do it with singing and dancing.
The way that you relax will be individual to you, so figure out what works and go with that. You can learn to anticipate your stress and pre-empt the feeling of exhaustion that comes with it.
Learn to identify stress and learn what it feels like to you. What feels stressful for one person won’t feel that way to another. Don’t be afraid to make your stress work in your favour and turn it into a positive.
Stress Relief Tips #6
Easy Mind Control Exercise for Stress Relief
- Find a quiet place to perform the Easy Mind Control Exercise. Get a piece of paper and write down 5 of the most horrid thoughts you’ve been having for the past few months.
. - Below the first 5 items, write down 5 beautiful thoughts, memories or ideas that are directly in contrast with the first 5 items you wrote down.
. - Focus your mind’s power on each of the undesirable thoughts and as you do, give your mind a firm command to remove the thoughts.
. - Visualize a blank space where each of the undesirable thoughts used to be. Begin placing pleasant thoughts on this blank space, to replace the bad ones that have just been driven out.
. - Repeat the exercise until you are satisfied and try again tomorrow.
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. - 5 Mega Home Remedies for Stress
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. - The Dangers of Stress: You need The Upper Hand

What are Your Favourite Tips and Remedies for Stress? Share with us below!