The Biggest Causes Of Ill Health
4 Worst Ones and Tips to Resolve Them
So what are the biggest factors that cause health issues? Sometimes our biggest problems lie in the everyday things. This makes it even more important for us to take care of ourselves during daily life.
With that in mind here are the 4 biggest causes of health-related and lifestyle issues, and how we can go about helping ourselves more.
Biggest Causes Of Ill Health #1
Your Work Place and Stress
Stress can be a killer, literally. It causes a person to become hyper-everything: from talking fast to thinking fast and more.
Stress can make a person nervous, depressed, anxious, tense and highly-strung. The side-effects are many including a lowered immune system leading to a susceptibility of all sorts of physical illnesses.
The long-term ramifications of stress and unresolved emotional issues can include elevated blood pressure leading to strokes, cardiac arrests and even cancer.
5 Tips for Reducing Stress:

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- Record the things which stress you. Knowing what they are (people, ideas, past programmings and beliefs) will free you to the extent that you know who your enemies are, and will not let them get the better of you.
. - Buy a little note book so you can carry it around with you. Note down things which upset and stress you. Doing so is also a way of distancing these things from your life.
. - Come to terms with your personal belief and value systems. What others’ systems are, are of no consequence. It is yours which are important. As you give respect to yourself for who you are, you will help lower your stress.

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- Learn to say “NO!“. Say “No” to people and things you don’t want, but which you ‘tolerate’ because….because people might not like you if you didn’t… or people might leave you if you didn’t.
Don’t accept people or things which compromise your days. Because compromised situations lead to a compromised life. It leads to stress which lower and diminish your life force, diminishing the quality of your life.
Eventually, these will cripple you, literally, and your very life itself. It simply is NOT WORTH it to tolerate crap. Stand up for yourself. On the other side of fear and stress is courage and freedom. And a new life.
. - Use a rocking chair to relieve stress. Learn why and how.
. - Implement a good yoga practice. This could also include Thai Yoga Massage which is good for relieving stress and improving the blood flow.
General things like a big workload, or working more hours than you should be, can all be factors that can make us poorly if we don’t do something about it.
Some companies protect their employees by having health insurances as a benefit.
But the truth is a lot of this all stems from you. So if you find that your work is getting too much, or you feel there are problems arising, make sure you speak up about it.
Change something or do things differently to help yourself out. Before things get out of hand.
Biggest Causes Of Ill Health #2
Financial difficulties
Many people get themselves into financial difficulty at some point in their lives. They not only have an impact on you physically, they can also affect your mental health.
If you find yourself getting more worried over your finances, take stock of the situation and fast. A great way to do this is to set out some time to work through you incoming and outgoings. Create a budget for yourself to clear up the problem once and for all.
Biggest Causes Of Ill Health #3
Broken Relationships
This is why sometimes broken relationships can send someone into a state of depression or cause stress. While they tend to cause problems to mental health they are still something to be wary of.
Of course, this isn’t saying you should avoid all relationships. But sometimes acceptance is key to letting go of past relationships and mistakes.
Biggest Causes Of Ill Health #4
Poor Diet
Our diets can be one of the biggest causes of that. If you spend your days gorging on burgers and drinking excessive amounts of sugary or alcoholic drinks then you are on the path to poor health.

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Diet can cause many health-related issues and some are closely linked with being overweight. It doesn’t mean that you can’t indulge in these treats every now and again ~ after all, we all have to live.
But it does mean that you should make better choices when it comes to what you consume each day. Bad food choices are big culprits.
You should liken yourself to a premium Rolls Royce. If so, you would feed your Rolls Royce with the best premium petrol, only the top and only the very best.
In reality, the majority of people get hood-winked by all the fancy pseudo and franken foods on the market place today. So, instead of Rolls Royce foods, they feed themselves worse than they would a broken-down 1997 Toyota ready for the scrap yard. Is that you?
I hope this has made you more aware of a few of the causes of health-related issues.
© Helen Chow, ND
Make Smarter Health Choices
Stress causes Dangerous Health Problems. Stress can Kill!
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