Childrens Medical Procedures
4 Common Practices
This means that when it comes to one of our kids needing a childrens medical procedure, it can be an incredibly stressful and upsetting time.
Childhood illness or injury can be terrifying for adults and children alike. They can lead to all sorts of irrational fears arising.
Naturally, as a parent, you want to protect your child and keep them safe. However, you also want to ensure that should they need medical help, they receive it. And this includes undergoing a childrens medical procedure.
The good news is that most childhood medical treatments are fairly common. Millions of kids undergo them each year, so there’s no need to panic or worry.
Below are 4 of the most common childrens medical procedures (and why they are necessary).
Common Childrens Medical Procedures
#1. Tonsillectomy
Tonsillectomies are one of the most common childrens medical procedures that children undergo each year.
In the past, they were done as a matter of routine, with almost all children undergoing them. Today, however, they are reserved for children who suffer from tonsillitis on a recurring basis. Usually the trigger point is suffering from it three times in a year.
The surgery is quick and safe, only taking 20 minutes to complete. It doesn’t leave any visible scarring as it’s performed via the mouth. No incisions are made in the skin.
This procedure is beneficial for children who are prone to tonsillitis. This will help to reduce spells of feeling unwell and constantly missing school. It will also reduce how often they need to take antibiotics.
Common Childrens Medical Procedures
#2. Cochlear Implant
For children who are born deaf (or hard of hearing) or lose their hearing due to a medical condition, a cochlear implant can be life-saving.
This device replaces the function of the damaged inner ear which is responsible for hearing loss. The implant sends signals to the brain so that sounds can be heard.
The procedure takes around three to four hours. Don’t let the longer surgery time scare you because this is a very safe procedure. Thousands are fitted each year.
It might be a daunting experience to have your child undergo surgery. But being able to hear could change their life, so it’s worth it.
Common Childrens Medical Procedures
#3. Circumcision
Circumcision is often carried out for religious or medical reasons. This is an incredibly safe and simple childrens medical procedure.
Religious reasons for circumcision aside, doctors will sometimes recommend circumcision for medical reasons. A child may develop constant infections around their genitals. Or he may suffer from recurring urinary tract infections, or experience constant soreness.
Getting circumcised in childhood is a simple and safe procedure. It’s performed under a local anaesthetic instead of a general one. For boys who suffer from constant medical issues in the genital area, circumcision is a great choice.
Common Childrens Medical Procedures
#4. Tongue Tie Division
If a child has a tongue tie that’s more than half tied, it can impact their ability to eat properly. It can also hinder their ability to talk.
That’s why so many parents choose to have their child’s tongue tie divided. The younger the child is for this procedure, the better. Babies under a few months old can have the procedure without any pain medication as it’s so quick and simple.
However, for older children, a general anaesthetic is required, as the process can take a little longer due to the skin being thicker. Even so, it is an exceedingly safe procedure. It is performed millions of times a year.
There you have it! This is a concise guide to the most common childrens medical procedures. Each of these procedures is incredibly safe and beneficial for your child. These are good procedures worth having if required for your child’s health and well-being.
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