Coping with Leukemia ~ A Cancer now classified as a Chronic Disease
5 Helpful Tips
Thanks to recent breakthroughs in cancer treatment, the five-year survival rate for people suffering from leukemia has increased by over 63 percent.
The research, published by the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, showed that real progress is being made in the area.
The combination of better treatments, earlier diagnosis and higher patient awareness is working.
The news is even better for patients taking tyrosine kinase inhibitors. According to The New England Journal of Medicine, these drugs help to increase five-year survival rates to more than 90 percent.
There is a downside. Despite these breakthroughs and the positive news from Hera BioLabs about new therapeutic treatments, coping with leukemia is difficult.
Sticking to a drug regiment for a lifetime is difficult. What about regular check-ups at the oncologist’s office? The stress and strain can take its toll, both physically and emotionally.
Here are 5 helpful tips on Coping with Leukemia.
Coping with Leukemia Tip #1
Connect With Other Leukemia Survivors
It’s always easier to cope with a problem if you have people you can share your experience with.
That’s why so many people in the medical profession recommend that leukemia survivors connect with one another.
The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society can put you in touch with real life as well as online leukemia support groups.
Coping with Leukemia Tip #2
Track Your Quarterly Test Results
Treatment regimens for leukemia today are more powerful than they used to be. However, that doesn’t mean that they are perfect.
It’s a good idea if you’re going through leukemia treatment right now to keep track of critical data relating to your condition.
Every quarter, your doctor will give you information on things like your CML cells levels and other factors. Note down this information when you get it, then keep track of it all when you get home using a spreadsheet.
Remember to write down any symptoms that you have following treatment in a journal. This is just in case your doctor can put you on an alternative drug regimen.
Coping with Leukemia Tip #3
Choose Your Treatment, then follow it
One of the biggest problems that doctors face all over the world is getting their patients to follow their treatment as prescribed.
Often, when patients start to feel better, they stop following their doctor’s treatment.
If you have chosen to follow orthodox treatment, there’s a good chance that you’ll start feeling better after you’ve been on the anti-leukemia drugs for a while.
If you have chosen holistic treatment, you need to persevere as positive results take time. You did not contract the disease in an instant. It has developed over time and it will take time to heal it. Trust your health practitioner and trust the process.
Coping with Leukemia Tip #4
Ask (Many) Questions
Leukemia is a life-changing experience, one which will leave you with a lot of questions.
Don’t just bottle them all up. Whatever therapy you may have chosen, orthodox or holistic, approach your medical doctor / health professional and ask them about the things that you want to know.
It’s a good idea to take a pen and paper with you so that you can remember your questions as well as write their answers.
Coping with Leukemia Tip #5
Learn About Your Condition
Leukemia it is life-threatening. Learn as much as you can about it. Learn about the pluses and minuses of each therapy. Learn about the benefits and side-effects of each. Learn about the survival rates.
Learn about convention/orthodox treatments: chemotherapy, corticosteroids…
Learn about holistic treatments: herbal, detoxification, energetic, homeopathic, ozone, colonic, chelation, lymphatic, deep tissue massage…the list is long.
Do it for yourself. Your life is valuable.
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