Covid 19 Prevention Protocol
Helen Chow
If you’re like me, you’re feeling a bit jagged around the edges with unkempt hair from all the lockdowns, unending and changing lists from ‘authorities’ of can’t-do-this, can’t-do-that and all that jazz linked to Covid 19 prevention!
You’d also have had your fill of Covid 19 prevention tips (bogus or otherwise), COVID 19 information (many whimsically fabricated), mis-information, conflicting do-s and don’t-s from self-appointed Covid gurus, from those who ‘know’ and those who don’t, from those with vested interests and others who seem to be genuine (or not), conspiracy theories and what-nots!
The media is awash with so much COVID 19 theories and Covid 19 Prevention remedies enough to send your head spinning. It seems just about everyone has become an expert: many are just parroting what they’ve heard or read elsewhere, others do so to keep their jobs. Just remember what happens with Chinese whispers: Distortion happens with each successive transmission.
My COVID 19 Prevention Protocol
I’ve been asked what I do in terms of COVID 19 prevention. I was nonplussed at the beginning, like the majority of us all around the world. So I researched, and researched and made myself my own laboratory. Below is my Covid 19 prevention protocol (still ongoing), condensed:
Nature is the master healer. The best Covid 19 Prevention method is to dance with the rhythm of nature…Tune in to its frequencies and march with them.
The first step is always to keep super healthy. You have your common sense and your own expertise as to what works best for you; You’ve also had several of my tips which you can choose to follow in previous eLetters, if not, join us below:
FOUNDATIONAL HEALTH BASICS is the name of the game in Covid 19 Prevention:
- Sufficient quality sleep
- moderate exercise that you enjoy doing (if not, you’ll never continue long-term)
- a healthy diet
- don’t smoke (if you do, cut down)
- if you drink (alcohol), do so in moderation or therapeutic doses
- eliminate stressors in your life which may include people
- meditation / prayer to keep your vibrational energies high (don’t laugh at this, it works)
- find a medical doctor who also practises complementary medicine or is 100% open to this
- use natural healing methods whenever possible: when not possible, use pharmaceutical/medical means for the shortest time possible, then switch back to natural means.
NEXT Covid 19 Prevention Tip:
To withstand the Covid 19 Cyclone

I believe the current COVID pandemic is not going to go away any time soon (I’d be so happy to be wrong!), so we need to think long-haul: Forget about sprinting – we need to think : MARATHON …. LONG-TERM ENDURANCE so that we can get on with our daily lives unperturbed.
Ditch The Sprint; Prepare for The Long-Haul…YAY!

To this end, my research led me to this formula:
Covid 19 Prevention ‘MARATHON-4’
1) Liposomal Vitamin C: minimum 1 g per day – 1,000 mg
2) Patented Beta Glucan PLUS Formula: 200 mg daily
3) Liposomal Vitamin D3 with K2; 5000 IU every 2 days
4) Liposomal Curcumin/Turmeric: 1000 mg, twice daily
I suggest taking these nutrients in supplements form because there is no way to get sufficient quantities through diet alone. Additionally, the supplements must be bio-available, that they can be absorbed into the body.
Covid 19 Prevention STARRRRR
Vitamin C IS the single most important STAR SUPPLEMENT in the MARATHON-4 at all times, and especially so during this pandemic, and I cannot stress this enough. Bear with me.

Before you say, “Oh yeah, nothing new, we’ve heard it all before….all old news…” Yes, we all know Vit C is for healthy, glowing skin. What’s it got to do with COVID prevention?
You know, often times, the truth is often not obvious, often hidden. You see the ice berg above the water but not the sunken part. The explanation is hiding there, forgotten, or disregarded.
Let’s talk shop. I’m sure you’ve read horror COVID stories of lungs chocker-filled with fluid, then blood clots galore all over the body, OMG! And no-one understood why. Then, afflicted COVID unfortunates were dying like flies in Italy in 2020, then the USA, then Spain etc etc, then Brazil. We saw corpses loaded into refrigerated trucks in the US or coffin upon coffin overflowing churches in Italy, then long macabre lines of hearses wending their way to the cemeteries or make-shift burial grounds. Today in April 2021, we see aerial views of COVID funeral pyres in India…burning, burning, burning
Let’s turn our attention back to THE STAR in The Marathon-4, Vit C. Curtsey, curtsey, thank you!
Now I want you to follow this logically, step-by-step. If you understand the role of Vit C, you WILL ensure you fill up with it; if you don’t you’ll probably not be so bothered – and rightly so, since every other person is telling you to take this, that or other supplement, quack or not.
Vit C plays the following vitally important roles:
1) Potent anti-oxidant; Immunity Security Guard; Master Scavenger – much like lobsters cleaning up the ocean floors 🙂
2) Fights and clears any inflammation: any trauma like accidents, minor and major medical operations, snake bites, burns, cancer, degenerative diseases, deadly pathogens, viruses including the Covid virus
3) Natural detoxification agent for all in 2) above and more
4) Collagen builder to strengthen lung membranes; strong membranes do prevent the leakage of fluids (what is reported in Covid casualties)
5) Collagen builder to strengthen small blood vessel membranes; strong membranes help prevent bleeding in the small blood vessels
6) Helps blood clotting where bleeding occurs, like in 5) above …. aha – what did they find when they performed autopsies on the first lot of Covid cadavers at the height of the Covid crisis in early 2020? … lots and lots and lots and lots of small blood clots all over the place, even far away from the lungs, where all the damaging action was supposed to take place…?
When your Vit C levels are depleted in 1, 2, 3, then the problems in 4, 5 and 6 compound.
Taking a high-dose bio-available Vitamin C here as far as COVID-19 is concerned, is for preventive purposes (among many other purposes) against 1) fluid in the lungs 2) systemic small blood clots.
I repeat: It is to help prevent you having fluid build-up in the lungs and those numerous systemic blood clots in the first instance. If you already have numerous systemic small blood clots, this is the progressive phase of the bleeding in 5) above. You MUST have immediate medical attention and treatment.
Having fluid in the lungs and these numerous blood clots, then bleeding which doesn’t clot any more is already quite late in the Covid-19 game. Still, never say never. So go fill up with Vitamin C. NOW.
Vitamin C is VERY safe
Even if you overdose, the worse that can happen is that you’ll experience diarrhoea. To ensure you are well topped-up, take vitamin C to the point of diarrhoea. Then back track. From this point onwards, all you need to do is to top up daily. Very much like filling up your car with petrol: You don’t want insufficient or your car will stall, and you don’t want too much or your petrol tank will overflow.
The Best Bio-Available Vitamin C
Remember: Not all supplements, as in everything in life, are created equal. There is vitamin C and vitamin C; there are fast-food restaurants and there are Michelin Fine Dining restaurants.
I personally use This Liposomal Vitamin C . Find out more here. When you purchase these, you’ll be supporting me in my research. Thank you.
CAUTION: a piddly 100 mg is not going to do you much good, and especially if you are using a non-bioavailable supplement. I recommend a minimum dosage of 1 g a day of a bio-available Vitamin C.
As a note of interest, Vitamin C is used naturopathically to treat heart disease and cancer with much success. Of course, so long the patient is not too-far gone down the slippery slope. You don’t hear of this in conventional medicine.
The late Linus Pauling was the master Vitamin C proponent. And boy, was he right!!!! Kudos!
The following 3 supplements play a supporting role to Vitamin C in The MARATHON-4
Beat Glucan Plus
The STAR PARTNER to Vitamin C in ‘MARATHON-4′
I liken a potent Beta Glucan to the Navy SEALs on the preventive health front. Beta glucans are crucial weapons in immunity defense. They help destroy tumours and viruses. Beta Glucans help build you an impenetrable fortress. They help to naturally modulate the immune system to provide both support and balance in the body.
In this respect, they take away much of the work of Vit C, and allow it to concentrate on the jobs of keeping the lung and small blood vessel membranes in good shape.
I use the
Beta Glucan PLUS Patented Formula by Transfer Point
Bio-available Vitamin D3
The Supporting Cast in ‘MARATHON-4′
Vitamin D is your sunshine vitamin! It helps fortify your immune system, does house-keeping in your body, and so takes away some of the burden from Vitamin C. This vitamin helps make you happy and energised, supports strong bones and every cell in your body.
Read more about the dangers of low Vitamin D levels.
You can get Vitamin D naturally from sunshine. However, the amount you actually convert from sunshine may be uncertain due to many factors. You can also obtain D3 from your diet. However, because of depleted soils and chemical additives, it is best to take a
Bio-available Curcumin
The Second Supporting Cast in ‘MARATHON-4’
This is yellow gold! An incredible supplement to have by your side at all times. A potent. soothing anti-inflammatory pain-reducer. An indispensable support to your Star Vitamin C!
Liposomal Curcumin with Ginger & DHA
Remember: Not all supplements, as with everything in life, are created equal!
There is vitamin C and vitamin C; There are supplements and supplements.
There are fast-food restaurants and there are Michelin Fine Dining restaurants.
The Covid Vaccination
Now to what’s daily headlines in the media and our own digital chats: To have the vaccination or not to have it? Aha!!!! That’s the question.
You’ll have to decide for yourself. I don’t really know whether to vaccinate or not. However, I had my first dose of the the AstraZeneca vaccine about 1 month ago. I chose to vaccinate because my family commitments require that I travel long-distance. It’s to make my life easier navigating immigration, government regulations, airlines and all that jazz. And then, one never knows. So better to be safe, than sorry.
As to all those conspiracy theories whether the vaccines work or not, only time will tell. So the ball is in your court.
Whatever, I am happy to know that I have my ‘Marathon-4’ Supplements!
Well, my dear friend. Take the ‘Marathon-4’. Get your lifestyle in order. Eat a healthy diet. Don’t listen too much to the news or the conspiracy theories or oligarcs and politicians turned Covid experts overnight (1000% fishily suspect) – you’ll only contribute to the panic and prolongation of this wretched pandemic.
Wear your masks, wash your hands, keep your distance, avoid crowds.
And you’ll be quite ok in the Covid 19 Prevention Game – yours will be ‘Game, Set, Match – No Covid’!!!!
Keep safe. Stay Safe.
Helen Chow
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- Vitamin B12 ~ The SHOCKER EFFECTS of its Lack in YOUR Body !!!
. - VITAMIN D Deficiency: YOUR LIFE COULD BE IN GRAVE DANGER! What You Can Do About It?
. - Low Vitamin D Levels: URGG! YOUR Increased Risks of Systemic Disease!
- The Correct Amount of Calcium ~ Avoid Excess Intake
. - Magnesium for Vital Health ~ Are You Getting Enough in Your Diet
- Is Fish Oil Beneficial to Health?
. - The Best Bone Builder ~ Sunshine Vitamin D
. - 5 Amazing Natural Ingredients You Need To Know About
. - 16 Stunning Benefits of Wheatgrass Juice
. - The 10 Awesome Benefits of Omega 3
. - Heart Health and Magnesium
. - How Hyalgan Injections May Optimize Your Lifestyle
. - Good Health Guidelines: Are You Getting Too Much Healthy Nutrients?
- 4 Common Ailments: How to Heal Yourself Naturally ~ without Needing Your Doctor
. - Natural Remedies and Treatments : The Way Forward
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