How to Deal with The Dangers of Stress
4 Stress Antidotes to Adopt
In this modern day and age, many of us seem to be taking our bodies and minds for granted. We get caught up with modern technologies like wifi, mobile phones and more.
We get stress from one source or another; we eat too much (denatured foods), drink too much alcohol or soft drinks (soda, Red Bull…).
Let’s explore stress and the mind-set behind it. People believe stress and work pressures help them perform better ~ that may be true. However, the negative effects of stress can be high, and detrimental to your overall health.
The Dangers of Stress
- Stress can make you can explode with rage and temper, ruin your relationships and even cost you your job.
. - Stress can ravage your love life, destroy your teeth, ruin your heart and make you gain weight. It can promote illness and disease in your body.
. - Perhaps the worst effect of stress is that it can wreak havoc on your immune system. Stress puts your body under immense pressure. With a compromised immune system, you’ll be at your weakest when you need your body to be in peak condition the most. The devastation is so bad that even adrenaline won’t get your through the day.
. - And what about physical injuries and disabilities? Stress can lead to mental illnesses, accidents at work, personal injuries, angina and high blood pressure which can compromise your livelihood and job prospects.
. - Stress can be exacerbated by a bad, processed food diet. Processed and denatured foods can lead to emotional and physical disturbances.
The Dangers of Stress: Antidote #1
Chill Out & Smell The Roses
So is stress worth the small performance boost? NO WAY! It’s probably better to chill out once in a while and enjoy the small, but important, things in life, like friendship, a walk with a loved one eating your favourite childhood snack on the beach with an old friend.
The Dangers of Stress: Antidote #2
Take up Meditation
Meditation is an excellent tool. It helps dissipate stress. You’ll find that you begin to see life from a whole different perspective.
The Dangers of Stress: Antidote #3
Get Moving!
To get the upper hand on stress, you might want to look at getting into fitness as well.
Exercise will put more oxygen into your body and make you feel better. It will also help dissipate any prior stresses your may have accumulated.
It’s much like a pressure cooker releasing the accumulated pressure within!
There are many ways you can start off and the easiest is going for a jog or a bicycle ride. You can also exercise with simply workouts at home or you can join a gym. Joining a gym will get you working out alongside like-minded people and can help get you motivated to look after yourself.
The Dangers of Stress: Antidote #4
Take up Yoga
Yoga is an excellent mind-body discipline and superb for stressed-up individuals.
Once you get going, you can really positively motivate yourself and get into shape, mentally, emotionally and physically. Your stress will simply evaporate, and you’ll start to see your life from a different perspective.
Stress can kill. Looking after yourself is your most important duty. You’ve got to take it easy. Putting too much pressure on yourself can add unnecessary stress to your body.
Eat well, exercise well, live well, de-stress. Your life is certainly worth it. YOU are certainly worth it!
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