How to Get Freedom From Allergies
3 Tips for Long-Term Relief
However, sometimes you just can’t escape the causes of allergies like pollen from ragweed, mould spores and dust mites. We all know it’s important to steer clear of irritants that cause your allergies although it’s not always easy to do.
Freedom From Allergies: Tip #1
Take Care of Your Gut
However, there are certain things which contribute to your allergies that you CAN control – and you may well be surprised.
It’s your gut…
The Hidden Cause of Most Allergies
A healthy intestinal tract is important if you wish to get rid of your allergies. All manner of health problems including asthma can result from an imbalance in the ‘good’ versus the ‘bad’ bacteria in your gut.
In addition, this imbalance can result in a compromised immune system. Looking after your gut health with probiotics can help you prevent allergic reactions and strengthen your immune system.
How can you reduce allergic symptoms? Is that possible?
An apple a day may NOT keep your allergies away. Why not? Cross Reaction with Foods…
There is a genetic relationship between certain foods and allergens like grasses, ragweed and trees. This is not about genetic modification of foods. It’s simply that these foods are of the same species as the allergens, making your body react in a similar way..
Take this as an example: an allergy to ragweed may predispose you to react also to foods like tomatoes, apples, apricots, pears, cherries, berries, bananas, cucumbers, squash, corn, melon, peaches, plums and chamomile tea.
So it may be that you have to eliminate certain foods from your diet.
Spring Allergies
In the spring, when the air is heavy with pollen from trees and grasses, the consumption of certain foods like cherry, peaches, carrots, apples, pears, kiwis, parsley and even some nuts like almonds and walnuts can lead to an allergic reaction.
So, the sensible thing to do is to avoid those foods that cause you to react the same way as to the allergens.
Autumn Allergies
In the autumn and winter, mould is a common allergen in leaves and also in dark, damp places like cellars and basements..
If you suffer from an allergy to mould, you would do best to avoid fermented foods or those that contain mould, fungi and yeast. These foods would include cheese, mushrooms, sour cream, beer, wine, vinegar and vinegar-based foods like salad dressings.
Not everyone who suffers from allergies will have this type of cross-reaction with foods. However, if you are prone to allergies and therefore know the miseries that this can bring, you would do well to give thought to what you eat. Try reducing or even eliminating the foods listed above. Observe yourself to see if there is a difference.
Freedom From Allergies: Tip #2
The One Food to Avoid

Finally, there is ONE food that everyone who suffers from allergies should avoid like the plague: SUGAR freedom.
Sugar is the number one enemy as far as your gut health and your immune system are concerned.
Did you know that just one teaspoon of sugar can suppress your immune system by a staggering 56%? If you take sugar, you may want to consider stopping, or at least reducing your intake.
Sugar lurks in many places, expected and unexpected. Obvious sources of sugar include simple carbohydrates like white bread, crackers and pastries. Even a simple glass of orange juice contains much sugar. Fruits like apples, oranges, cherries, bananas and kiwis are especially high in sugar.
You’d be doing your gut and your immune system a great favour by eliminating these from your daily diet. In addition, you’ll be taking a very important preventive measure to curbing your allergies.
Freedom From Allergies: Tip #3
Keep Your Home Allergen-Free
- 1. Rub olive oil into your hair before bed time. This will prevent pollen from transferring to your bedding
- 2. Shut your windows at night to prevent the infiltration of allergens from the outside.
- 3. Use an air purifier (a HEPA-based purifier is a good choice) in your bedroom. This will help reduce air-bourne allergens and mould.
- 4. Do what most Asians do: remove your shoes before going into your house. This way, you won’t bring allergens into your house.
- 5. Wash your car regularly. Pollen can hide inside, so vacuum the inside of your car. It is a good idea to keep your car in a garage, if you have one.
- 6. Switch on the air re-circulation button in your car. This will ensure that no exterior allergen-laden air can come in.
The seasons are beautiful. A few changes can make a big difference to your enjoyment of them. There’s really no need to suffer miserably from allergies. Use the tips given here.
Cutting out sugar also helps with other health problems.