The Health Benefits Of Gardening
8 Amazing Benefits For You
Some typical examples can be named such as pruning roses, digging trenches, growing organic fruits and vegetables and planting bulbs.
Below are how gardening helps improve your mental and physical health.
The Health Benefits Of Gardening: #1
Gardening is not merely a single activity but a complex process requiring movements of many parts of your body. So, it helps you both practice and improve your health in general.
It is said that gardening needn’t get an intake of iron. Therefore, your cardiovascular well-being may enjoy nothing if you don’t practice hard enough every day.
Meanwhile, repetitive activities such as mowing with a lawn mower, planting, mowing the lawn and digging need stretching or strength. Such low-impact exercises are highly recommended for the old or disabled, and even those with chronic pain.
The Health Benefits Of Gardening: #2
An Improved immune system
However, it is a fact that some kinds of microorganisms help protect us, especially children from common diseases. They help to strengthen our immune system.
The Health Benefits Of Gardening: #3
Enhances Weight-Loss
Losing weight is seemingly the top priority for many people. One of the studies in the American Journal of Public Health has proved that gardening can help you lose weight.
It is noted that non-gardeners tend to have a considerably higher body weight as well as level of obesity when compared to gardeners.
The Health Benefits Of Gardening: #4
Gardening as Mental Therapy
Most times people are not aware of the positive psychological impacts that gardening can give. In reality, working in the garden probably creates a feeling of being relaxation and helps you concentrate intently. Or very simply, gardening can make you happy and proud when you embrace it as your hobby.
The Health Benefits Of Gardening: #5
Being Outside is A Natural Source of Vitamin D
Needless to say, everyone knows how important vitamin D is. We wouldn’t take in calcium which plays a crucial role in forming strong bones and strengthening the immune system without vitamin D. Moreover, depression or anxiety can be eased with the help of vitamin D.
So soaking up warm sunshine while working in a garden is really a wonderful choice.
The Health Benefits Of Gardening: #6
Gardening – End of Stress
It is true that working in a garden even helps reduce stress more efficiently than taking part in physical activities.
According to CNN, two groups of students agreed to participate in a study conducted in the Netherlands to observe their reaction after they finalize a nerve-racking mission.
The first team was told to read anything they like indoors while the other was required to do the garden for half an hour. The result was the gardening team felt happier and the amount of cortisol hormone that causes pressure recorded was much lower than the reading team.
The Health Benefits Of Gardening: #7
Gardening – not just enjoying your meaningful life!
Not only does gardening make you indulged in the beauty of nature, it also helps you feel abundant, thankful and awesome.
The Health Benefits Of Gardening: #8
Allergies are not a main problem
It is proven that doing the garden could help you stay away from some common diseases such as flu and colds as well as symptoms of allergy.
Maybe some people think that exposure to the garden, especially some certain kinds of flowers and plants to prevent allergy is a weird and stupid thing to do. However, some studies have discovered that a mechanism of resistance of pollen will be formed if someone touches pollen since he or she is very small.
In case allergy is still your concern, don’t hesitate to take a glance at some useful advice or see a doctor directly.
Richard Clayton

I am a lawn care and gardening enthusiast. That is the reason why I create my blog (mygreenerylife.com). On my website you, me and our friends can discuss everything about lawn care, DIY gardening and pest&critter control topics.
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