Since then, I hope you’ve seriously considered checking out a class, or at least flowing along with a video at home.
Or, maybe you’ve already given it a go and have seen first-hand the many positive benefits it has to offer. If you have, then good for you! You’re already on your way to better health and wellness.
If you’re not quite there yet and the information you got last time hasn’t nudged you
hard enough to actually try a vinyasa, that’s okay too.
I know that sometimes it takes time to digest the information you’ve been given. What I’d like to do today is give you just a little bit more.
What you learned last time are the things that most anyone that does yoga knows. They’re aware of the benefits because they feel them.
But, what about the benefits that not everyone knows? What about the “secrets” that are usually only known by yoga gurus themselves?
Well, I’m no guru, but I have learned a few of their tips, and I’m going to share them with you now.
* If you’re searching for happiness outside yourself, you’ll probably never find it.
Do you spend all your time wishing for things that would make your life better, happier or more fulfilling?
Are you always searching for ways to add joy, peace and contentment to your life, but you just can’t seem to find anything that can do all three?
The truth is, and yoga gurus have known it for ages, that you’ll never find happiness in external things. Sure, you can get some enjoyment out of them, but they won’t make you truly happy.
If you want to live a life that makes you excited to get out of bed every morning, then it starts with what’s on the inside. It’s your internal thoughts, feelings and perspectives that determine your level of life satisfaction.
That’s good news because that means that your search is over. You’ve found the key to being happy, and now all you have to do is unlock the door to let yourself in.
Yoga will do that for you. It brings you closer to your inner self. It helps you understand how your mind works and helps you turn negative thoughts and behaviours into positive ones.
* Your mind does not reflect who you are.
Many people think that their mind is a direct reflection of who they are, but that isn’t always the case.
When your inner voice talks to you, what does it usually say? Are they nice things?
Are they supportive and caring statements and comments?
Chances are good that, if you’re like most people, your inner voice is more of an
inner critic. It spends all its time telling you how bad you are or chastising you
for decisions you’ve made.
But, that isn’t who you are. You’re a kind, genuine person who helps others, and
although you may not always make the best decisions, you have good intentions.
Yoga helps you separate these two parts of yourself. It helps you see that your mind can be wrong and, unfortunately, often is.
It helps you bring your mind and true spirit together so they both operate on the same page. The word yoga actually means “union” or “unifying,” which is definitely fitting in this context.
* Yoga helps you let go of the past.
If you’re the type of person who has a difficult time letting go of something that happened last week, last year or even long ago when you were a child, you will benefit greatly from yoga.
A lot of people get into the physical practice because it makes them look better and feel sexier. Yoga gives their body definition and helps them lose weight.
What they aren’t prepared for is the emotional weight they lose as well.
We’ve all had some form of suffering in our lives. We’ve all endured pain, and we’ve
all had moments when life felt extremely heavy.
When you practise yoga on a regular basis, you’re better able to let go of things that
really have no impact on you anymore. You’re more capable of keeping things in
perspective and knowing what’s important and what isn’t.
So, if you find that your mind keeps going back to a past event, yoga may be the
one thing that helps you keep it in the present and looking forward to a bright new
* Doing yoga will improve other areas of your life.
Yoga gurus know that wellness in other areas of their lives is directly impacted by the yoga they participate in daily.
Simply put, if they don’t do yoga, they will suffer in other ways.
You’ve already learned how much yoga can help you physically, but it also helps you mentally and spiritually. It builds your inner strength as much as it builds your outer strength.
When you’re at peace with yourself, you’re more likely to be at peace with those around you. You don’t react as impulsively, aren’t as easily bothered and suffer less from stress.
These things carry into every aspect of your life and make it much more pleasurable all the way around.
So, now that you know how much yoga can help you physically and mentally, what do you say?
See you in again soon in another post!