How to Treat A Pinched Nerve
4 Healing Solutions…

It can be caused by soft tissue, such as the muscles or tendons around the nerve, or it can be caused by the cartilage or bones in the joints themselves.
If you experience the numbness or pins and needles feeling associated with a pinched nerve, there are several things you can do.
Below are 4 Best Solutions: ‘How to Treat A Pinched Nerve’
How to Treat A Pinched Nerve: Top Tip #1
Rest. Rest. Rest! More Rest…
The most commonly recommended treatment for a pinched nerve is rest. By resting the area that is causing the issue, you are allowing the tension surrounding the pinched nerve to relax.
Once relaxed enough, the pressure on the nerve will subside and so should your symptoms. If you have symptoms going down your arm, for instance, you most likely want to rest your elbow or shoulder, as that is the site of the pinched nerve.
How to Treat A Pinched Nerve: Top Tip #2
Do Stretching
If rest alone is not helping to relieve the tension in the area, you can try gentle stretches.
When there is a tendon or muscle group that is tense around a nerve, it doesn’t take much to help it relax. Because of this, you want to make small movements when stretching. Avoid pushing yourself too far into a stretch, moving too quickly, or holding it too long.
You also don’t want to do anything that causes pain, so if it hurts worse, be sure to stop immediately.
How to Treat A Pinched Nerve: Top Tip #3
Apply Heat or Ice
Heat and ice do very different things for a pinched nerve. It is important to understand how each works as well as alternate between the two with a 15 to 20-minute break in between.
Heat helps to promote blood flow, which aids in healing. It also helps to relax the tension in the muscles, which is exactly what the rest and stretching aim to do as well.
When applying ice to the area, you are trying to minimize the inflammation that may be adding to the pressure on the nerve due to the pain or because of an injury that caused or worsened the pinched nerve.
Curcumin, the medicinal part of the turmeric root is an excellent natural remedy to help reduce inflammation and pain.
How to Treat A Pinched Nerve: Top Tip #4
Do Take OTC Pain Relievers ~ if only for immediate relief…
If the pinched nerve is especially painful, it can cause you to tense up even more. This makes it even harder to relax the area so the pinched nerve can heal.
While over-the-counter pain meds that reduce inflammation, such as ibuprofen, can help reduce the pressure slightly, it is really pain relief and reduction that helps you relax. Once the pain is reduced, you will be able to rest the affected area, It is this combination of rest and pain reduction works to alleviate the pinched nerve.
If home remedies aren’t working to alleviate the symptoms of your pinched nerve, you may want to try massage therapy. It can help to relax the muscles, tendons, and joints that are causing the discomfort which allow the pinched nerve to heal much faster.
Whatever process you take to heal your pinched nerve, it is important to take care of your body first!
Post by Hannah Whittenly
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