How To Improve Your Energy Levels
4 Smart Hacks

Whether this is skipping our meditation and yoga classes, or absences at the gym because we feel too tired, or grabbing a takeout because we don’t have time to cook – all these conveniences soon start mounting up.
The things we don’t have time for can sometimes be the things that can give us some real boost for extra internal energy to help us power through the day.
So if you feel drained with dire lack of motivation, check out 4 top hacks to improve your energy levels. They will give you back the zing to help tackle the day ahead. You owe it to yourself to revamp yours to a lifestyle you actually love to live!
Improve Your Energy Levels: Hack #1
Exercise In Correct Doses and At The Correct Time
Movement is one simple key to boosting energy levels. Just doing 15-30 minutes a day can help get the blood flowing. This naturally boosts your energy levels.
Scheduling exercise is often perceived as the real chore, so many people don’t enjoy making time for it. But, it doesn’t have to be a full-on fitness regime to reap the benefits: Simply start small, with a short walk around the local area on your lunch break. Or cycle to work if it’s not too far away.
It might be challenging to get started, but you’ll be rewarded pretty quickly.
Tips when and where NOT to exercise
- At night, prior to bedtime. This will hype you up, and disrupt your ability to fall asleep easily. It will also make you hungry, and therefore you will pile on weight, and feel lethargic.
. - In an exercise room with bright lights and mirrors.
. - Too much exercise can make you fat and lethargic, contrary to what you want to achieve.
Improve Your Energy Levels: Hack #2
Eat Smarter. Be A Sherlock Holmes Food Detective.
If you owned a Rolls Royce, you wouldn’t use diesel, would you? You would fill her up with top premium fuel, so she would purr, and run smoothly like velvet.

So, why don’t we today do the same with their Rolls Royce bodies? We feed on genetically-modified foods, processed foods, chemical-laden foods, microwaved foods, franken-foods and pseudo foods that animals and insects are smart enough to avoid – but not so humans. Then we wonder why cancer, diabetes, heart attacks, strokes ‘HAPPEN TO US’ !
Understanding the basics is the easy part. Eat REAL FOOD. The doing is the difficult part. We get mesmerised by the advertisements of this, that and other, ‘tempting’ foods.
We get conned, duped by false information given to us by food manufacturers and even official food organisations which are supposed to protect us.

Let’s take a look at processed oils and margarines. These are touted as beneficially healthy – vegetable-based, low cholesterol.
Now, if you were to leave a pat of margarine or a bowl of this so-called clear-coloured healthy oil in an undisturbed corner of your kitchen and forget about them, for perhaps 6 months?
In 6 months’ time, you will find them more or less in the same state as they were 6 months previously. Well, you might find the stuff a bit stale and dusty but they would not have changed much otherwise.

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What you will not find is that some animal (rat?) or insect had been at them, eaten them. Because these ‘foods’ are NOT real foods. They are franken-foods. Clever rat. Clever insects. What about us humans? You give your own answer. Additionally, the stuff would not have spoiled, even after 6 months.
Have you also ever wondered why you don’t need to refrigerate your bottle of ketchup? Or shop-bought mayonnaise? So good, isn’t it?
You can leave the stuff on the table and not bother about them going bad. You could eat them even 2 to 3 years from now, if you have not consumed all of it in the meantime. Aren’t those food scientists clever!
Then, crikey, cancer ‘HAPPENS’ to you out of the blue, or to your Dad, or to your neighbour’s kid. Poor unlucky you, poor unlucky Dad, poor unlucky neighbour’s kid…
SMART MOVE: CUT OUT THE CRAP…’FOODS’. Treat your body like a Rolls Royce. Give it the best REAL FOOD.
Be proactive. Learn about nutrition, health. Be a food detective and not be conned by, and succumb to, the blatant lies told you about the sub-par processed franken-pseudo foods you purchase for yourself and your family.

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Do you actually realise that you are actually going to put these ‘foods’ into your body? Warning: Your foods and drinks become you, for good or bad. So you’d better make sure the ingredients are good.
Become your own Sherlock Holmes Food Detective, for you and your family. You owe it to yourself and to them.
Improve Your Energy Levels: Hack #3
Drink Sufficient Water. WATER. NOT Sufficient ‘Other Drinks’
Water replenishes your cells and clears out toxins in your body to give you an energy boost. Lack of it can lead to slow digestion, fatigue, breakouts and dehydration. To give you a helping hand, you can also try Donat Mg, which is proven to stimulate digestion naturally.
What you don’t want is to drink other beverages in place of water. These include sodas, soft drinks, alcohol and yes, even fruit juices. Contrary to what health authorities tell you, these drinks, in quantity, are prime candidates for ill health including diabetes, stroke and cancer.
Your sugary drinks become you, so what you ingest goes into your system, for better or for worse, just like food. What you want is WATER.
Improve Your Energy Levels: Hack #4
Implement A Good Sleep Hygiene
Many people don’t feel well-rested due to everyday stresses, and some find it even harder to drift off each night. One of the main reasons our brains can’t shut off is due to the relationship with our mobile devices. The blue light these emit stimulates the brain and means you can’t switch off, especially at night.
To get a better night’s rest, read a good book you love before bedtime. Avert your eyes from digital devices before sleep can help you shut off quicker and enjoy some undisturbed rest to help you feel recharged the next day.
Below are 6 tips for a restful night’s sleep:
- Wind down all activities at least 2 hours before your scheduled bedtime
. - All unresolved issues, unfinished tasks should be written down, to be picked up and worked on the following day. The act of transferring these tasks elsewhere relieves your brain and allows it to relax.
. - Do some relaxing activity you love during that 2 hours before sleep, for example, meditation, restful music, reading relaxing poetry.
. - Your bedroom must be dark with zero light. Use thick drapes etc to ensure your bedroom is pitch black.
. - Remove all blue light items including smart phones, laptops, televisions from your bedroom. They contribute to agitated sleep.
. - Have a calming drink before sleep, eg chammomile tea. Alcohol is not a good idea: it may send you to sleep but your sleep won’t be restful and you may wake up with a hangover. Natural sleep remedies include valerian root, lavender, St. John’s wort and magnesium.
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.What are Your Favourite Tips for boosting energy levels, sleep, diet, exercise? Share with us and our readers below!
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