Lead The Silent Poison
“Leaded or Unleaded?”
“Leaded or Unleaded?” This is a question you should ask each and every single time :
* you open a tinned can of food
* eat seafood from your kitchen cookware
* choose personal care items
* buy PVC toys or teethers/pacifiers for your baby
* buy backpacks and clothing for your children
It’ll start poisoning it (your body) insidiously, slowly, but surely. The young are particularly vulnerable. No one is spared.
The end result, after years of poisoning, is brain damage. In the meantime, short-term effects include shock, coma, convulsions.
In children, it affects their mental abilities and performance. Even small amounts of lead can cause learning and behavioural disorders and affect the child’s growth.
People who are ill from lead poisoning are either dying or suffering at home or in hospitals – so you don’t see them in ‘happy’ places like restaurants, pubs, shopping malls. So you may be forgiven for not realising that this evil poison exists.
A soft, blue-grey metal that is easily melted, lead is used in the construction industry
- for piping
- in roofing material
- alloys
- paint
- solder
- gasolene
- houseware
- pottery glaze
- power plant scrubbers
- pottery glaze
- lead-acid batteries
Lead The Silent Poison
In food that we consume, lead accumulation comes from 3 main sources:

- Firstly, there is the lead that occurs naturally in the environment, soil and water.
. - Lead dust can reach us and plants from vehicle exhaust, lead smelters and mining operations.
. - Thirdly, it is introduced into food through food processing: lead leaches into food mainly from lead-glazed earthenware and lead solder found in the seams of tin cans.
Lead The Silent Poison
Household/Food Products that (may) contain lead:
- Tin canned food
- Baby milk powder
- Ceramic foodware for food storage and cooking
- Plastic toys
- Seafood (including clams, oysters, mussels)
Lead The Silent Poison
The Danger of Lead in The Body
Lead has no function in the human body. Its existence in the body is dangerous and only spells trouble. Ideally, our body should have ZERO lead.
Lead is a metabolic poison. Once ingested, it remains in the bloodstream for several weeks. From there, it is absorbed by the bones where it continues to accumulate over an entire lifetime. Some lead will eventually make their way to the brain. Their presence there will eventually lead to brain and nervous system damage.
Lead may be linked to a whole host of diseases including stroke, heart attacks and high blood pressure, kidney and liver damage, cancer, harm to the nervous, reproductive, immune and gastrointestinal systems.
Lead may also lead to disruptive social behaviour in some individuals and an impairment of the mental faculties including a lowered IQ and dementia.
Lead has the most profound damaging effects on the biological systems of foetuses, infants and children. The biology of a child is different from that of an adult. Their immune system is less developed and children lack certain biochemical detoxifying mechanisms that help remove toxins from the body.
As their bodies are still developing, children are more vulnerable and are susceptible to harm, especially to the lung and the central nervous systems.
The effects of lead poisoning in children can include impaired growth, lowered intellectual development (lower IQ, impairment in reading, writing, visual and motor skills, concentration, maths), irritability, insomnia, anaemia and colic.
The bad new is that damage to a child’s nervous is permanent. Large doses of lead in the body can cause encephalopathy and, if not treated, death can result.
Lead The Silent Poison
There is no such thing as a safe level of lead in your body. So what can we do?
Here are a few practical steps to limit exposure to lead:
- Eliminate ALL canned food from your diet. Eat fresh food.
- Avoid or eliminate contaminated seafood, especially bivalves.
- Mothers should breastfeed their infants. Breast milk is meant for babies and is the best food for them Milk (powder) from cows is meant for calves, and is best for calves, not human babies.
- Avoid using crystal ware on a daily basis.
- Avoid plastic / PVC toys and children’s products.
- Avoid storing sour food and drinks in ceramic ware.
- Keep your house and environment toxic free from lead (and all toxic heavy metals.)
****Do Heavy Metal Detoxification*****
.© Helen Chow ND
Naturopath, Herbalist
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