The Importance of Maintaining Physical and Mental Health ~
4 Best Helpful Tips

Even though we often separate the mind from the body, in reality, they’re interrelated and because of this, maintaining physical and mental health is of prime importance. As one goes, so does the other.
What is required is a balance of both mind and body, and this subtle art is much forgotten in our 21st century world today.
As responsible adults, we need to be mindful of this for both ourselves and our families and then to the outer community as a whole. We need to practise it ourselves and teach it to our children and then take it out to our communities.
Maintaining Physical and Mental Health: Best Tip #1
Do Regular Exercise
The best brain boost you can give yourself is plenty of exercise. When your heart is pumping more blood, your lungs are pulling in more oxygen, which benefits the mind.
Healthy and enjoyable exercises include swimming, country rambles and cycling. There are others like go-karting and hiking. All these involve the mind and body synchronicity benefiting the person as a whole.
When exercising, hormones in the brain become more active, especially the hippocampus where memory and learning occur. Giving yourself a learning aide helps you face and cope with new situations and makes learning easier.
Maintaining Physical and Mental Health: Best Tip #2
Eat VERY Well
Food and the nutrients it supplies form the basis for your mental and physical performance. Without these building blocks, your mind can’t maintain its cellular health, which will impact how you perceive reality.
If you have any eating issues beyond a distaste for certain foods, consider the help you can receive from an eating disorder program.
Maintaining Physical and Mental Health: Best Tip #3
Get Enough Deep Beauty Sleep
While scientists still don’t know the exact benefits that sleep gives the body, they do know that without enough you can’t function as well.
If you’re sleep deprived and challenged, pay attention to what the experts say. Avoid bringing a television into your bedroom, turn off your electronic devices and don’t consume too much caffeine.
Some people find that their sleep improves if they stop napping during the day. Yet others, including sleep experts, say that catnapping is a healthy and efficient use of time.
If napping leaves you wide-eyed at night, eliminate it to see how you feel. If you benefit from a quick midday snooze, add it to your daily routine.
Maintaining Physical and Mental Health: Best Tip #4
Create Novel / New Experiences for Yourself ~
Do Something Different and Exciting Often!
Or perhaps you could add new equipment to your exercise routine? Or go swimming elsewhere that you don’t normally go? It will stimulate both your mind and body.
Your muscles may be subject to something new and your brain will release more dopamine, the feel-good hormone.
When you feed your body as well as your mind, you’ll be able to face your challenges head on. When you combine healthy eating with exercise and rest, you’ve laid the foundation to successfully tackle what’s ahead.
Post by Rachelle Wilber
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