Don’t put this on the back burner in your mad-hatter
rush to-ing & fro-ing between home and work.
And if you use commercial chemical-loaded energiser drinks or sugar-loaded coffees as pick-me-ups, you’re really not doing yourself any favours.
.With this in mind, I’m going to share with you 3 pick-me-up tips that WILL give you a big boost when you put them into practice.
Not only that, you’ll be so energised that you’ll blast off like a rocket into outer space!
Once you master these simple, natural ways to sharpen your alertness and boost your productivity, you may well give up your caffeine addiction and stop falling asleep on the sofa 2 minutes into a thriller on TV.
It’s time to stop being sick and tired of being tired and tired-er and tired-er all the time.
The Power of Meditation
Do you practise meditation? If so, good. If not, don’t pass it by as something spooky that only wishy-washy ‘new-age’ people do.
If you’ve never meditated, do yourself a favour ~ do it.
I, myself, have been doing Holosync Meditation for a number of years now, and can
vouch that IT DELIVERS RESULTS! It has made me much calmer. It really works
where traditional meditation methods didn’t for me.
Get the free trial of Holosync Meditation.
Click Here
Give yourself the gift of this healthy mind-body-soul practice. You will find your
stress levels plunge like a heavy stone to the bottom of the sea.
Another star bonus is that you’ll feel so energised and alert. And you may even lose
those extra few kilos that you simply have given up on getting rid of.
3 Meditation Tips
The tips below are notorious fatigue fighters. Additionally, they give you
refreshing mental clarity and increased alertness. Use these tips
throughout the day.
1. The Awesome Power of Breath
Meditation is powerful and works on the natural principles of the universe.
Done properly, it puts your breath and body into alignment.
Meditation has the power to align your breath with the rest of your body, and when that happens, presto! Your high energy is restored.
Have you ever been so stressed (like, perhaps right now?) about your work day that, when the mid-afternoon rolls around,it feels like you’ve been holding your breath for the past five hours?
When you take the time to breathe deeply
during meditation, you won’t just feel lighter.
You’ll also benefit from clarity, cleanse the tension and stress from your body, and release nearly 70 percent of your body’s toxins with each deep breath!
For the sake of energy and your health, breathe deeply during your meditative
practice to replenish your mental capacity so that you can handle the rest of
your day with ease and confidence.
2. Try Binaural Beats to Beat Fatigue
(Holosync Meditation uses Binaural technology)
Some people think that meditation is a mind-numbing practice of sitting in
silence, looking out into nothingness.
In a way that’s true, although instead of looking out into nothingness, you’re
actually doing the opposite – you’re more alert and conscious of yourself than
you are at any other time of the day.
And, when you can achieve a state such as this, of self-love, acceptance for
what is, and staying in the moment, then you’ll undoubtedly increase your
You don’t have to suffer from fatigue anymore; simply spending three to five
minutes in silence while practising deep breathing will do the trick. Focus on
yourself. Go inward.
A guided meditation on binaural beats (a special method that focuses on the
subconscious) can help anyone who is curious about living a more conscious
life to find peace with the present moment.
As a kind of shortcut for the benefits of meditation, binaural beats is the fast-
track approach; it uses different sound frequencies, affecting the alpha and
delta waves
When you wake up after listening to an audio of binaural beats meditation, you
will feel refreshed and ready to handle your many responsibilities.
Some people are so sensitive to the effects of this type of meditation that they
listen to it daily. You don’t have to fall asleep to benefit, but if you do, you
won’t wake up with that out-of-it feeling that a long nap can give you.
This type of meditation sends sound frequencies to your brain waves for just
as long as they need it, and when the time is up, the audio meditation shuts off.
Easy to do, it can offer just the results you need to maximise your productivity for the rest of your day.
3. Shut Off Your Mind for More Energy Than Ever!
whole hour? How about four hours? Could you even do
it if you wanted to?
Most of us spend the majority of our day talking. We talk
to our boss in an effort to convince him we’re the best
person to take on that big project.
Then, we talk to our co-worker or friend to blow off steam about what
happened that day in the office.
We talk to our spouse several times a day about things we need done, or have
to do. We talk to our children, their teachers, friends, friends’ parents and
school officials.
We talk to everyone, everywhere we go, and sometimes we’re left feeling like
we’re all talked out!
When you give yourself 10 minutes (or whatever you’re able to) a day just to
close your mouth and open up your conscious mind to the inner workings of
your true, all-knowing self, your energy increases. This is one of the best
benefits of meditation!
Brain Power Booster
Close your mouth, close your eyes, and breathe in once.
Breathe out once. And feel, as you breathe, the difference in your body’s
Just with one, two or three simple deep breaths in and out, your body and
mind will become allies (instead of being enemies).
In other words, they’ll team up to be the strongest, healthiest and toughest
team for you. When you deep breathe in a meditative practice, you’ll release
those toxins from your body.
You’ll also gain clarity and have a rejuvenated energy level that will surely take
you anywhere you need to go.
In addition to meditation on a regular basis, you can also fine-tune your body
to experience greater energy and vitality.This is the intelligent use of the mind-
body connection.
Check it out.
Energy Super Charger
Click here NOW
Keep well until we meet again!
Remember you can also fine-tune your body to experience greater energy and
vitality in tandem with your meditation practice.
Energy Super Charger
Click Here
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The material provided on this site is for educational purposes only. NONE of the recommendations is intended to replace the advice of your physician. You must seek advice from a competent medical professional regarding the applicability of any recommendations with regard to your symptoms or health condition. Only a qualified medical professional can give you the correct advice and treatment for your medical condition.
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