Mercury Heavy Metal Poisoning
9 Power Notes In This War Against This Enemy
This is a serious health problem today. And no one is exempt from this danger…
Helen Chow, ND

How can you remove mercury and other heavy metals from your body – safely and inexpensively?
The problem of heavy metal poisoning today all over the world has become one BIG serious problem.
I aim here to highlight a few methods that have been used successfully to remove these toxic metals from the body and help an afflicted person regain his health ~ and hopefully, without breaking the bank in the process of doing so.
Heavy Metal Poisoning Note #1
Amalgam Fillings in Teeth
One of the biggest causes of mercury poisoning is from amalgam fillings in your teeth – those metal fillings.
The effects of mercury being slowly and insidiously released non-stop ALL THE TIME is a major contributor to many degenerative diseases that have afflicted man towards the latter part of the 20th century and now, in the 21st century.
Consult A Biological Dentist ~ NO LESS
It is vital that you remove mercury from your body by SAFELY removing the mercury amalgams in your teeth. And you MUST take this precaution.
READ THIS AGAIN ~ You MUST take this precaution: Simply going to any dentist and having them removed IS NOT A SAFE METHOD.
Read again: Simply going to any dentist and having them removed IS NOT A SAFE METHOD.
There’s a science to removing mercury amalgams safely. You MUST go to a BIOLOGICAL Dentist who has had training in, and the equipment for, removing mercury amalgams.
Dentists who do not know how to do this can make matters worse. Why? How? What any ordinary dentist will do is drill the tooth with the offending filling. Once drilling starts, toxic mercury vapours are released and when you breathe in this, the mercury vapours go straight to your brain.
A trained biological dentist will know what and how to do so that, when the offending filling is drilled, you DO NOT breathe in the toxic fumes that are suddenly released. The trained dentists know what to do with the least amount of adverse effects.
Removing amalgam mercury fillings in your teeth is undoubtedly the most expensive part of a detoxification campaign to recover your health.
In the USA, an estimated 85% of people have at least one mercury filling (with each filling being approximately 50% mercury). Most people have several mercury amalgams.
A mouth with many amalgam mercury fillings is like a mine field waiting to explode. The constant off- gassing of mercury leads to the suppression of the immune system by as much as 88% as compared to a non-mercury burdened body.
Heavy Metal Poisoning Note #2
Heavy Metals & Disease
The presence of mercury, aluminium and other heavy metals that include lead and cadmium can lead to a breeding ground of parasites, yeast, fungi and pathogens in our digestive tracts.
A great many common medical and health problems today can easily be resolved by removing these heavy metals from the body, and then going onto a yeast-elimination diet.
Heavy Metal Poisoning Note #3
Testing for the Presence of Heavy Metals
Hair analysis is a popular method of checking for the presence of heavy metals. However, the preferred method of most experts who treat heavy metal poisoning is a urine analysis.
This is a more accurate method as urinary porphyrins can reveal the presence of mercury and/or other toxic metals by evaluation of the porphyrin pathway.
Heavy Metal Poisoning Note #4
Where do heavy metals come from?
If you think you are safe simply because you do not have any amalgam mercury fillings in your teeth, you can think again. YOU ARE WRONG.
The air we breathe, the food we eat and the water we drink are constant sources of heavy metals.
Heavy Metal Poisoning Power Note #5
A Salute to our Liver
Our stalwart and long-suffering livers do a splendid job of detoxifying the heavy metals in our body. But it can only do so much. And, this detoxification depends directly on the amount of nutrients we absorb from our diets.
Heavy Metal Poisoning Power Note #6
Vitamins & Minerals
Dr. Boyd Haley is a Chemistry Professor and an expert on mercury toxicity. In his article, ‘Concepts for Safe Human Body Mercury Removal’, he stresses the importance, firstly, of using natural vitamins and supplements instead of automatically using chelating drugs such as EDTA DMSA or DMPS.
The most important supplements that will help your body to excrete mercury and other heavy metals are:
- ascorbates (Vitamin C)
- lipoic acid
- Methylcobaloamin (Methyl B-12) B-6
- magnesium
- selenium
- melatonin
- methionine and
- glutathione
Supplementing with minerals such as Zeolite is also extremely helpful: this is because our bodies have a natural tendency to store heavy metals in the absence of, or a deficiency in, bio-available minerals.
A Washington dentist, Dr. Armand DeFelice specialises in safe mercury amalgam removals. He claims to be able to detoxify a patient from mercury poisoning in the space of 6 months by using a protocol he personally developed using supplements from Standard Process Labs, USA.
Heavy Metal Poisoning Power Note #7
The Star of The Show…Glutathione, GSH
Dr. Haley advocates stimulating glutathione production inside the cells as this is THE most important factor for effective and successful treatments for autism.
A deficiency of glutathione is a precursor of a person’s inability to effectively excrete mercury, aluminium and pesticides from the body.
GSH is an anti-oxidant, an immune booster and a detoxifier all rolled into one. In its absence, your cells would simply disintegrate from unrestrained oxidation; your body would be virtually defenseless against bacteria, viruses and cancer; your liver would literally shrivel up from the eventual accumulation of toxins in the body.
There is enormous research being done on glutathione. 77,280 papers are available at PubMed.com
Healthy cells homeostatically oppose free radicals through the use of antioxidants, of which GSH plays a significant role. GSH is the most powerful antioxidant occurring naturally in the cells of our body.
The effectiveness of other antioxidants like vitamins C and E depends on the availability of GSH. This is also why GSH is essential in overcoming and preventing cancer, auto-immune diseases and other immune system related disorders.
GSH has a key role in the detoxification process; it has the ability to bind itself to heavy metals and other toxins through its sulfur molecules. This provides the means for the body to eliminate these toxins.
Studies done on autistic children have indicated low levels of GSH. Researchers attribute these to abnormalities in their methionine pathway.
Another Brownie point for GSH is its ability to protect (or at least minimise) against the deadly effect on all our good cells from all forms of radiation, ranging from x-rays to microwaves.
GSH Protection from Radiation
Dr.Deborah Baker wrote this: “A recent research article published in the journal Radiology states that ‘radiation from a single whole-body scan is equal to that from 100 mammograms and is similar to that received by survivors of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan—about 1 mile from the explosions—according to radiation biologist, David J. Brenner of Columbia University. The radiation from one scan is enough to produce a tumor in one out of 1,200 people and, for those who have annual scans, the risk increases to one tumor in every 50 people.’ With inadequate intracellular GSH, the risk is greatly increased.”
You might want to think twice before you next accept to undertake a scan, any scan.
Dietary sources of GSH:
Glutathione is synthesised from 3 amino acids, namely, glutamate, glycine and cystein.
Most healthy diets that are rich in raw vegetables and raw fruits contain an abundance of glutamate and glycine. Your focus must be put on dietary sources of cystein.
The following foods are high in cystein: eggs, meat, red peppers, garlic, onions, brussel sprouts, oats, milk, whey protein, and wheat germ.
Fruits and vegetables that are high in these precursors to GSH production include avocado, watermelon, asparagus, grapefruit, potato, acorn squash, strawberries, orange, tomato, cantaloupe, broccoli, okra, peach, zucchini, and spinach. Walnuts, asparagus and avocado as particularly good sources of Glutathione.
Cystein is also metabolised by the body in the presence of methionine. These 2 amino acids are the 2 sulfur-containing amino acids.
Heavy Metal Poisoning Power Note #8
Supplementation Against Pollution
It is advisable to take supplements to deal with the stress our bodies undertakes when assaulted by the myriad pollutants in the daily life of the 21st century. Effective GSH supplementation can reach the inside of our cells to help with heavy metal detoxification.
Some people have gotten acceptable results by using N-Acetyl-L-Cystein (NAC) which increases vital cellular glutathione levels. NAC has the power to neutralise mercury as a poison: the proper daily dose is 500 to 750mg.
Other treatments that work well for better metabolism of GSH include Epsom Salt baths and MSM supplementation.
Heavy Metal Poisoning Note #9: Detoxification and Elimination
Herbs for Eliminating Heavy Metals
There are several herbs and other foods that are exceedingly good for the elimination of heavy metals.
- To eliminate mercury, use cilantro, or coriander leaves and chlorella. You can make a delicious pesto by using lots of coriander leaves together with lots of raw garlic.
. - To eliminate aluminium, use bladderwrack, a seaweed.
. - To eliminate excess copper, use potassium.
. - To eliminate lead, use horsetail (shavegrass).
. - Bio-available minerals are very important and many herbs are excellent sources of these vital nutrients.
. - Dr. John R. Christopher, the famous herbalist, has a heavy-metal detox formula that contains bugleweed, cilantro, yellowdock and lobelia.
. - Turmeric, containing curcumin, is also another spice/herb that is excellent to use. Therapeutic doses in the treatment of Alzheimer’s patients have given good results. Alzheimer’s patients usually have excessive amounts of mercury and aluminium in their brains.
The Health of Your Liver
Whenever you are on any detoxification program, make sure that you clean and protect your liver as well.
The following herbs are extremely important:
- Milk thistle is the star.
- Then there are barberry
- dandelion root
- chaparral
- burdock root
- red clover blossoms
Chelation EDTA, DMSA and DMPS
These are the most common protocols of chelating mercury from the body. These are available both in oral and IV forms. However, DMPS is the star when it comes to speed in removing mercury and lead from the body. It is also the longest lasting.
However, there is a down-side. The treatment is harsh on the body and it also has a tendency to also chelate beneficial minerals. This method does not always give successful results.
A certain Dr. Rashid Batter, to treat his autistic son, developed a trans-dermal DMPS designed to specifically chelate mercury in autistic children. This method requires a prescription.
Clay Baths
Magnetic clay baths give successful results for the detoxing of mercury aluminium, radiation and other environmental pollutants such as those found in ‘chem-trails’.
The results that can be had from using this method can be phenomenal. It is definitely worth the money for the results that it can give in actually getting the wretched metals and other chemicals out of your body. You may need to take a few or many baths to get the full effect. With your first successful bath, be warned, you may get hooked! and will likely want to share the secret with others.
12 specific clay baths, each of which is infused and enhanced with specific herbs designed to pull out specific contaminant(s) that need removal, can be obtained here www.magneticclay.com
Ionic Foot baths
This is quite an innovative way of getting heavy metals and toxins through the soles of the feet. Practitioners who use therapeutic foot baths in their office caution to drink a lot of water after a session and to supplement with ionic minerals.
While there are certainly very colourful and wonderful testimonials from people having used the baths, there have been few, if any, laboratory analyses of the water.
The Foot Pad Method
This is based on the same principal of drawing metals/toxins through the soles of the feet. This method is fairly effortless as the food pads are applied to the soles of the feet prior to going to bed at night.
On the www.bodypureno.com, a dentist testifies that the following toxins were pulled out of his body via the soles of his feet; mercury, isopropyl alcohol, benzene nickel, asbestos, dimethylaminoazobenzene and PCBs.
Heavy Metal Poisoning Power Note #10
Energetic Healing – The Future
This may raise the guards of the skeptical in you!
An exciting, inexpensive and simple way to release heavy metals in you body was used by a certain Tenna Merchant. Her son was diagnosed autistic. In her search for anything that might cure him, she consulted a master herbalist to release the aluminium toxicity in his body.
They used this prayer: “Jesus, I ask that You release the reverse polarity in ___’s brain, body and energy field. I ask that You reabsorb his healthy polarity back into his body as God intended it, and I ask that You restore his body to a state of unconditional love and forgiveness as God intended it.“
Apparently, the 3 key steps in this prayer are: Release, Reabsorb and Restore.
According to Tenna Merchant, this did work, and her son was subsequently free from aluminium toxicity. Don’t be too skeptical…there are things stranger than fiction. I walked on live coals once and did not even get a single blister, not even a teeny weeny one. How do you explain that?
Heavy Metal Poisoning Power Note #11
Pendulum Power & Release Codes
For many people, this simple method will simply test their faith in the power of the universe for healing. In addition, Tenna Merchant makes use of a pendulum both for the diagnosis and for the choice of herbs and other remedies for her family.
She also makes use of ‘release codes’ which are described as thus: “Each letter and number has its own geometry and vibration. This geometric vibration can be imprinted onto a person through a release code in a way similar to how one of the homeopathic machines imprints a homeopathic vibration onto a remedy.”
Each release code is specific to each individual and is in tune with that person’s particular energetic issues as related to that specific health problem.
Heavy Metal Poisoning Power Note #12
Futuristic Healing
Perhaps the next wave of futuristic healing is vibrational. This will empower people to ultimately take charge of their own healthcare needs including heavy metal elimination.
© Helen Chow, ND
Make Smarter Health Choices
Consciously. Deliberately. Actively.
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