Eat More Natural Teeth Whitening Foods
9 Star Foods to Help Whiten Your Teeth!
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What exactly are natural teeth whitening foods and what are they? Teeth Whitening foods will help you get pearly white teeth without the need to visit your dentist. However, always remember that regular dental check-ups are vital for both your teeth and your overall health, so don’t miss these in your quest for whiter teeth.
Anyone with beautiful teeth and a vibrant smile often lightens up the room. It is safe to say that everyone would want a perfect smile like that. However, tooth discoloration still occurs even when you brush and floss diligently.
The fastest way to get white teeth is to go to professional whitening treatment clinics. These experts are great at cleaning and whitening your teeth. Your smile will improve in no time, and you will impress your friends with your new radiant smile.
However, did you know that there are foods that can help you get whiter teeth? Eating more of these naturally teeth-whitening foods will help you achieve that perfect smile that you always wanted. Make these foods part of your regular diet for a beautiful and healthy smile.
1. Natural Teeth Whitening Foods:
Strawberries and Watermelon
Malic acid concentration is included in some toothpaste because it can remove discoloration on the tooth surface. Do you know what food has high malic acid? Strawberries! The malic acid in strawberries acts like an astringent for the tooth and keeps them clean.
Eat strawberries in moderation as they also contain citric acid, which weakens the enamel. After having one strawberry, allow 30 minutes to pass before brushing your teeth so that you won’t damage the enamel. Having your enamel exposed can lead to yellow teeth.
If you are looking for a fruit with more malic acid than strawberries, try watermelon. Many say its fibrous texture scrubs your teeth and removes stains while enjoying some watermelons.
Strawberries and watermelons are great, especially during hot seasons, because they can be used for iced desserts and beverages to combat the heat. Strawberry smoothies or watermelon shakes help keep you cool during the summer months.
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15 Years Ahead of Its Time!
2. Natural Teeth Whitening Foods:
Pineapple and Papaya
The pellicle is a layer of salivary proteins that offers protection for your teeth. However, it tends to absorb food colors that lead to tooth stains. To make things worse, bacteria stick to the pellicle layer. They accumulate in the teeth, which eventually causes tooth discoloration and plaque.
Fortunately, pineapple is known to dissolve a healthy amount of pellicle layer. This tropical fruit contains an enzyme called bromelain, which can effectively break down proteins like the pellicle. The enzyme also softens and breaks plaque, a film of bacteria that builds up on your teeth.
Plaque is not a good look for your teeth and smile. Therefore, the pineapple is amazing for keeping undesirable plaque and stains at bay.
Papaya is another tropical fruit that contains enzymes called papain, which also softens the pellicle as much as bromelain does. You can’t go wrong with papaya if you want food that protects your teeth from accumulating unappealing plaque and stains.
Pineapple and papaya, just like strawberries and watermelons, are also used for iced beverages you can drink to cool you down during the summer.
Improved Gums & Improved Oral Health
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Cellular-Molecular Health Technology
15 Years Ahead of Its Time!
3. Natural Teeth Whitening Foods:
Milk, Cheese, and Yogurt
Lactic acid in milk gives the enamel a lighter appearance. Casein is found in milk, and they prevent teeth stains and plaque from accumulating. Additionally, this protein is great for repairing teeth. Lactic acid and casein make the milk an accessible product for teeth whitening.
Drinking tea and coffee black can stain the teeth. Luckily, adding milk or cream reduce their chances of staining your teeth. You can enjoy your favorite tea and coffee without worrying about tooth stains, thanks to milk.
Since milk is on the list, this includes all other dairy products as well. A popular dairy product is cheese, which contains calcium that improves the health of the tooth enamel.
An enamel with poor health erodes easily and exposes the dentin, which makes the teeth look yellowish. Therefore, eating cheese is one way to prevent teeth discoloration.
If you are going for cheese, you might want to try hard cheese. The texture of hard cheese is great for whitening because of the additional ability to remove particles from the teeth as you chew on them.
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Another dairy product that is not only healthy but also great for white teeth is yogurt. It helps prevent tooth decay and lowers the chances of uneven teeth color. There are also reports that protein in yogurt binds to the teeth, protecting them from harmful bacteria and acids.
Milk, cheese, yogurt, and other dairy products are probably already part of everyone’s weekly grocery lists. However, knowing that they are excellent for teeth whitening and overall nutrition makes you realize.
Improved Gums & Improved Oral Health
Using Breakthrough
Cellular-Molecular Health Technology
15 Years Ahead of Its Time!
4. Natural Teeth Whitening Foods:
Cauliflower and Celery
These vegetables are usually in season during the early months of the year. Eating foods during their season is ideal because that is when they are tastiest, freshest, and affordable.
Cauliflower and Celery are considered the great 2 C’s not only because their names start with the letter but also because they offer nutritional value while being low in carbohydrates.
Eating cauliflower encourages a lot of chewing, which is great for whitening your teeth. The more time it takes to chew something, the more saliva your mouth produces. Any activity that promotes saliva production cleans your teeth from stains and keeps them brighter. They are also responsible for eliminating bacteria that cause undesirable bad breath.
Just as fibrous fruits like watermelon are great for scrubbing your teeth clean, fibrous vegetables such as celery are as effective as well. The crunchiness of fibrous fruits and vegetables promotes chewing and scrubbing, leading to cleaner and whiter teeth.
Celeries are also beneficial for the health of your teeth and gums and are packed with nutrients while being low in calories.
Improved Gums & Imrpoved Oral Health
Using Breakthrough
Cellular-Molecular Health Technology
15 Years Ahead of Its Time!.
How long will it take for these foods to whiten teeth?
The time for these foods to whiten your teeth depends on many factors. For one, the original colour of your teeth matters and how worse the stains currently are.
Depending on your diet, it will take longer if you eat many foods that cause teeth to stain. The whitening effects might take longer if you are fond of foods that cause tooth discoloration.
Examples of food and drinks that stain the teeth are coffee, sweets, wine, soda, citrus, and even some vegetables. Purple cabbage is considered healthy, but it may stain your teeth and delay your progress towards getting that perfect smile.
If you are too fond of sodas or wine and can’t help but to indulge in them, use drinking straws. Drinking straws protect the teeth from stains, acid damage, and sugar. It also encourages hydration as people tend to drink more liquids if they use a straw. Drinking from a straw is considered more hygienic when you are out dining at a restaurant.
However, drinking from straws may cause more damage to the back teeth as more liquid is funneled there. This habit might lead to all sorts of problems for the back teeth, such as stains, acids, cavities, and sugar damage. Using a plastic straw is also considered harmful to the environment.
Improved Gums & Improved Oral Health
Using Breakthrough
Cellular-Molecular Health Technology
15 Years Ahead of Its Time!
To get whiter teeth, take more time to chew your food. Chewing increases the production of saliva, which keeps the mouth clean and gets rid of bacteria.
Another tip is to drink more water. It keeps you hydrated and prevents tooth stains from forming. If you are keen on getting that perfect smile, swish some water around your mouth after eating.
This quick sweep will help eliminate food pigmentation on your teeth and lowers acidity inside your mouth. Tooth enamel can get damaged when there is too much acid, which leads to teeth turning yellow.
The most important mindset to have is to know that those perfect white teeth are unattainable. Tooth color is subjective; what may be considered imperfect to you might already be amazing for others.
Every one of us is gifted with a tooth color that ranges from varying tones of yellow, brown, and grey. What matters the most is you are maintaining a realistic and desirable tooth color that is personal to you. Just be consistent and keep your teeth clean and healthy at all times.
Improved Gums & Improved Oral Health
Using Breakthrough
Cellular-Molecular Health Technology
15 Years Ahead of Its Time!
About Dr. Salwin
Dr. Gary Salwin leads the Glendale Dental Group, Arizona. He and his team treat dental emergencies and perform a whole range of dental services. He has been practicing dentistry for more than 36 years.
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