How Proper Sleep Boosts Testosterone Levels in Your Man!
Unfortunately, the widespread knowledge of the importance that sleep has on the body has not hit home.
A significant number of people are still not attending to their sleep quality and duration. Thus they are exposing their bodies to the many unpleasant health risks that sleep deprivation causes.
The American Association For The Advancement Of Science reports that sleep deprivation is now seen as a public health concern. In a recent study, as many as 35% of people reported that they do not get enough sleep.
Over 1,550 fatal injuries are recorded due to sleep deprivation every year. More than 40,000 non-fatal injuries are also accounted for with sleep deprivation contributing as a potential cause.
Is there a Connection between Testosterone Levels and Quality Sleep?
There have been quite a lot of talk about whether (and how) good sleep is connected to higher testosterone levels recently. While it is known that sleep deprivation is detrimental to the well-being of a man’s body and mind, the connection that sleep has with testosterone levels are not as clear.
Testosterone is a sex hormone that is found in abundance within the male body. While the hormone is also found in the female body, it is not as abundant within a female body as it is in a male body.
Why Testosterone Is Such An Important Hormone
One of the most significant and discussed functions of testosterone is related to the hormone’s function in the regulation of the man’s sex drive. This refers to their desire to participate in sex and is also called libido.
While this may be the most discussed function of this hormone, it is also involved in many other processes. During puberty, the hormone assists with the proper development of the male genitalia. It also assists with the growth of pubic hair and other hair on the man’s body.
Healthline explains that the functions of testosterone all start within the brain. The hormone is involved in the production of sperm and also impacts a person’s behavioural traits. It is very important for maintaining a healthy muscle mass and keeping the bones healthy, as well as for optimum fat metabolism.
For this reason, men who find their sex drive to be adversely affected by the possibility of low testosterone levels are often opting for the best testosterone boosters on the market. This helps them achieve an increase in testosterone production without having to undergo testosterone replacement therapy or other potentially dangerous treatment measures.
How Do You Know Your Man May Have Low Testosterone Levels?
The first step to knowing whether your man has low testosterone levels, a condition that is also called hypogonadism, is to identify potential signs of this particular condition.
Once identified, your man should seek out an official diagnosis from a professional healthcare provider. This is usually done by taking a blood sample and testing for testosterone levels.
By looking at the functions of testosterone, it is obvious that the affected bodily processes will become symptomatic when a low level of this hormone is present in the bloodstream.
There are also some particular symptoms that can develop amongst bodily parts and functions that are not directly regulated or affected by testosterone. This includes men showing the signs of erectile dysfunction when their testosterone levels start to drop.
Men’s Health explains that one of the first signs that testosterone levels are depleting is a sex drive that is quickly become lower than ever before. Apart from a reduced libido, another common symptom that men experience is a shrinkage of their muscle mass. This usually happens gradually, but often at a noticeable rate.
With a reduced efficiency of fat metabolism, abdominal fat may also start to accumulate, and the man’s bellow often starts to become larger. Other than these, it is also important to note that low testosterone can cause mental symptoms, such as poor memory and difficulty concentrating on particular tasks.
Good Sleep, High Testosterone… Is There A Connection?
Poor sleep is known to lead to sleepiness during the day and makes men more prone to have an accident while driving a car or operating certain machinery. These are not, however, the only risks men are putting themselves at when they do not sleep enough.
Your man’s performance, both physically and mentally, will be affected adversely. Even when looking at potential supplements to help him improve his performance inside and outside the bedroom, such as by searching for Virectin reviews, poor sleep can still hurt numerous bodily functions.
The risk of developing certain diseases is also significantly higher when your man is deficient of an adequate amount of sleep. Harvard Healthy Sleep reports that most diseases that have been linked to poor sleep are chronic diseases; thus making it all the more important to ensure he gets enough sleep every day. These diseases include diabetes, hypertension, and obesity primarily.
Recent scientific studies have also found that there might be a connection between how much a man sleeps and how much testosterone they have available in their body. Men’s Fitness reports that the study was conducted by the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute in the United States.
What they found is quite alarming as the study concluded that men who did not obtain an adequate amount of sleep over an extended period tend to suffer from reduced testosterone levels that are equivalent to the levels of testosterone found in men aged at least 10 to 15 years older than their current age.
With this in mind, it becomes obvious that for a man who is not getting enough sleep, making vital changes in their schedule to ensure they can gain more sleep every day can be very beneficial. In addition to helping an affected individual improve their testosterone production, they would also gain from many other benefits that proper sleep has for the human body.
How Much Sleep Your Man Should Get
With the information shared in mind, an important question that might come to mind is how much sleep a man really needs to stay healthy and to maintain a higher testosterone level. According to the Sleep Foundation, an adult aged between 18 and 64 should ensure they gain between seven to nine hours of sleep every day.
This is the most appropriate amount of sleep that will ensure your man does not suffer from low testosterone or any of the other problems that sleep deficiency may cause but will also prevent sleeping too much.
Sleep is an essential part of life, and the body needs between seven and age hours of sleep in most cases. This does not only ensure the body stays healthy but, according to new research, also ensures testosterone levels are high, which means men are at a lower risk of suffering from the adverse effects that low levels of this vital sex hormone may cause.
Article by Will O’Conner
Will has been a Health & Fitness Advisor for Consumer Health Digest.
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