How to Deal With Pruritus
3 Tips to Relieve The Itch You Can’t Scratch
Can we all agree that itching is one of the most annoying feelings the human body can produce?
Pain is bad, of course – often cited as the worst thing that someone can experience. But there are anti-dotes for pain. You can take painkillers or use a heat bag, for example. You can go easy on the part of your body that’s hurting.
With itching, you don’t have that luxury. It’s a nagging feeling that just won’t go away.
If you scratch as much as you want to, then you’re going to damage your skin. Not only will this be painful, it will also make you vulnerable to future infection. You can try applying anti-itch treatments topically, but they don’t tend to work.
An itch can keep you up all night, a constant irritation on your body that means your brain just won’t switch off.
For most of us, our experience of feeling itchy is based around a particular stimulant. It might be an allergy that we have or a foreign object on the skin. These type of itch is something that’s relatively easily managed.
However, for others, itching – the medical name of which is pruritus – is not due to any direct stimulation.
The itching can be anywhere, from being on the joint of a limb to inaccessible areas like the mouth or nose. There’s nothing irritating the skin directly; allergy tests don’t show any obvious issues. It’s just…life. But you’re afflicted!
So how can you ease an itch that doesn’t go away when you scratch it? Below are 3 tips to help you deal with this.
3 Tips on How to Deal with Pruritus
Relieve The Itch You Can’t Scratch: Tip #1
Drink Water
Water might be the answer to every health problem that has ever existed.
And there’s excellent evidence from those with idiopathic pruritus as to its efficacy.
There is a theory that suggests excessive itching is due to improper filtering of toxins in the bloodstream.
This being so, consuming a large dose of water can help that.
However, before you drink 10 pints to try and solve the problem, remember that it is possible to drink too much water.
Sip throughout the day to keep hydrated. Aim for around two litres of clear water per day. It might not cure the itch altogether, but for most, it makes a big difference.
Relieve The Itch You Can’t Scratch: Tip #2
Take Anti-histamines
This might seem like strange advice given the above caveat of allergy testing not revealing a cause. However, here’s the problem with that: allergy tests can’t be done for everything. .
The itching might be being caused by something that testing doesn’t include.
Many sufferers can ease their symptoms using simple anti-histamines. It’s worth a try, given the fact companies such as OTCwhiz sell antihistamines over-the-counter, and they’re generally well tolerated.
If you’re worried about drowsiness, you needn’t be. The modern formulations of anti-histamines don’t make people drowsy at all.
Relieve The Itch You Can’t Scratch: Tip #3
Don’t Scratch!
Yes, it’s easier said than done! But scratching isn’t going to work for an internal problem.
Scratching is only effective for superficial problems, such as dead skin causing the itch and being removed by scratching.
Try to resist the urge to scratch as not only is it ineffectual, but it could also damage your skin.
It’s better to apply a hot treatment such as a heat bag or hot water bottle to relieve a persistent itch than risk scratching.
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