How to Quit Cigarettes for Good! Save your life!
5 Tips to Feel Younger, Better and Healthier

Cigarettes hold a lot of power. Not only are they extremely addictive, but they’re also reportedly the most traded item that exists today.
That’s right. Nicotine is a $400 billion dollar industry that has worked its way around the globe. No wonder people have a hard time quitting. Cigarettes are everywhere!
And, as if they haven’t always been bad enough, they’re getting worse.
In less than a decade, a lot of manufacturers increased the amount of nicotine in their cigarettes by a whopping 11%! Wow! Was that really necessary?
As you’ve probably already heard, cigarettes hold a lot of toxic materials.
For example, they contain formaldehyde. Yes, that is the same chemical they use to embalm people once they’ve died.
That’s pretty scary when you think about it.
Of course they contain a lot of other carcinogens as well. Sadly, none of these are high on most people’s list of things they want inside bodies.
Yet, people continue to light up day in and day out.
I’m not going to get on a soap box here because I used to be one of them. I started smoking when I was 22 years old.
I quit a few weeks here and a month there, but I always returned to it. Heck, I even quit for 4 years one time! And yet I still went back.
Luckily I can say that I’ve now been smoke free again for the last 16 years. And I have a very strong feeling that I shall remain that way for the remainder of my life.
How can I be so sure?
You know how you make a decision to do something and it just clicks? Well, that’s exactly what happened. I decided to quit, and I did it for good.
Now, that’s not to say that it was always easy because it wasn’t. There were many times I wanted nothing more than to have one more cigarette.
But, I didn’t. And I’d like to share with you what I did in the hopes that it helps you do the same.
How to Quit Cigarettes for Good!
Quit Cigarettes
#1 * Know Your Why
In order to make any change stick, you have to truly believe that it is the best thing for you. Essentially, you have to understand why it is you want the change.
Ask yourself what quitting smoking would mean to you. Does it mean being able to walk farther without getting winded?
Or how about being able to play sports with your kids instead of watching them from the sidelines?
Maybe it means smelling better. It’s funny how when you smoke you don’t notice how much you smell (bad). However, once you quit you can pick the horrible scent up from a mile away.
Certainly it would mean more money. Calculate how much you smoke.
Then see how much it costs you over the course of a year.
You can take that money and place it in a bank account (even one drawing no interest). Think of the vacation you could take a year from now without even noticing any money out of your budget!
Basically, you need to determine what quitting means to you. Think why you should make it a priority.
Quit Cigarettes
#2 * Know your triggers
To successfully quit smoking, you need to know what starts you crave a cigarette.
Is it an emotion, such as stress or anxiety? Perhaps it’s a situation like hanging out with friends or drinking? Maybe it’s a particular person who irritates you to the point where you need something to calm you down?
You’ll be in control the more you know about when you’ll get the urge to smoke. When you are in the driver’s seat, you’re less likely to fall victim of sneak attacks when the nicotine wafts up to you.
Quit Cigarettes
#3 * Create a plan
As the old saying goes, “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.” You need to know exactly how you intend to quit this habit once and for all.
Some people quit cold turkey, and some people taper down. Decide what system will work best for you.
Quit Cigarettes
#4 * Create a reward system
Of course you’re going to be rewarded with better health when you quit.
However, sometimes it helps to have something tangible dangling in front of you like the proverbial carrot.
Once you go a week without smoking, maybe you’ll celebrate with a new book or a movie pass. Go a month.
Then perhaps you will buy a new outfit with some of the money you’ve saved. Or treat yourself to a massage.
No cigarette in six months? It may be a great reward to get your teeth whitened. And celebrate that you’re no longer turning them yellow!
Quit Cigarettes
#5 * Make A Commitment
This is by far the most important thing you can do: Commit to quitting once and for all.
Don’t say you’ll “try” because you’re giving yourself an out. Say you “will” succeed. Doing just this will give you no other alternative but than to do just that.
Quitting smoking is hard. But, so is dying slowly from lung cancer, heart disease or emphysema from not doing it.
You may not have the strength to do it for yourself. If so, then at least do it for those who care about you. They surely don’t want to see you die a painful and completely avoidable death.
If I did it, I know you can too! You’ve got what it takes to make it happen. Now all you have to do is decide that this is the time.
Once you take the first few steps, you’ll start to see the big changes. Like breathing easier. And small changes ~ like tasting better.
Did you know that you can use the amazing power of yoga to turn back the clock on the damage smoking has done to your body (and lose unwanted weight in the process)?
Find out how below: Go explore!
See you again very soon!