How to Quit Smoking – In 28 Days!
4 Stellar Success Tips!!!!
For some people, quitting smoking is as easy as simply not doing it anymore. However, for the majority of folks, it’s definitely not that simple. Once smoking become a habit, it becomes hard to break. Certain people just find smoking so pleasant, making it difficult to stop.
Below are 4 tips you can take action on today. These will help you create new, healthier habits that can help you ditch smoking for good.
Remember that it takes 28 days to form a habit. The same rule applies whether the habit is bad or good. Instead of focusing on how to break a habit, in this case, smoking, we’re going to focus on forming of new habits.
So, with a duration of 28 days, don’t expect results overnight. However, if you’re patient and take small steps in the right direction each day, you’ll be on the road to quitting for good!
Quit Smoking in 28 Days
Stellar Success Tip #1: Eat something healthy at smoke time (instead of smoking!)

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If you like to have your first cigarette with a coffee to start your day off, why not have something healthy to eat with your coffee instead of a cigarette? Like a piece of delicious Chicken Wing Delice? It will fill you up with good protein, and the delicious taste can take away the desire to smoke.
Of course, like any habit you’re actively trying to create, this will take a little getting used to. Once you actually do this, you’ll actually feel better after eating something healthy right. In addition, you’ll also start to notice results once you’ve been doing this consistently for about a week. That should keep your motivation up!
Quit Smoking in 28 Days
Stellar Success Tip #2: Take up a sport or activity:
One of the best and fastest ways to get away from smoking is to do something that has the complete opposite effect on your body – usually this can be found by doing something active.
It doesn’t have to be extreme; it just has to work for you. Depending on your current fitness level, it’s recommended you start out small.
Going for a short walk or even a swim each day will significantly improve your health. Once you see the mental boost it gives you, you’ll want to keep going with it.
Quit Smoking in 28 Days
Stellar Success Tip #3: Use Hypnosis or Nicotine Patches
If you’re finding it too difficult to quit cold turkey and need to wean yourself off more slowly, then a session with a good hypnotherapist is definitely the way to go! You may need a few sessions to program your brain into not needing cigarettes any more.
Nicotine patches are also a good way to go. Try them over a period of time.
Quit Smoking in 28 Days
Stellar Success Tip #4: Create a money jar
I saved this one for last because it’s the best motivational tactic I’ve seen: you quit smoking AND build a healthy habit of saving money at the same time.
How this works is very simple. You simply take an old jar, bottle or container (clear is best, so you can see the money).
Then every time you feel the urge to buy a pack of cigarettes, you take your money and put it in the jar instead. You can do this over the course of a month, or as long as you like.
I guarantee that even if you only do it for 28 days, you’re going to see just how much you’re saving by not smoking.
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