How to Reduce Blood Pressure
6 Natural Ways
The dangers of high blood pressure are wide-ranging and far-reaching.
First and foremost, it ends up putting a lot of added strain on your heart. This can increase the risk of heart attacks and strokes.
That is why taking steps to reduce your blood pressure if it starts creeping up is so important.
Of course, there are all kinds of medication that can be prescribed by your doctor. However, there are also many natural steps that you can take.
These lifestyle adjustments are well worth giving a go to reduce blood pressure.
Reduce Blood Pressure Tip #1
Watch Your Waistline
As body weight increases, blood pressure often increases as well.
If you are overweight, shedding some pounds is one of the most effective ways of controlling your blood pressure. Carrying too much weight around the waist can be particularly harmful.
There is much weight loss advice available online that can really make all the difference.
Reduce Blood Pressure Tip #2
Get Regular Exercise
Alongside with watching your waistline, regular exercise can help to reduce your blood pressure.
The best type of exercise for lowering blood pressure is cardiovascular activity such as walking, jogging, cycling, swimming and dancing.
Talk to a professional if you need some advice putting together a fitness plan.
Reduce Blood Pressure Tip #3
Eat A Healthier Diet
A diet which includes whole grains, fruits, vegetables and low-fat dairy products is more likely to help you control your blood pressure.
Keep a food diary to help shed light on your eating habits. This one action will put you in a stronger position to change them.
It is also a good idea to write out a list before going to the supermarket so you are more aware of exactly what you are buying.
Reduce Blood Pressure Tip #4
Use Essential Oils
There are supplements and essential oils which may benefit your overall health and reduce your blood pressure.
Certain essentials oils are also good for high blood pressure.
Below is a list of essential oils which can also have an impact..
Best Essential Oils For High Blood Pressure
- Frankincense Essential Oil
This oil is considered a tonic oil. It calms the mind, reduces stress levels and regulates the heart.
Frankincense oil it one of the top essential oils for the treatment of high blood pressure.
. - Bergamot Essential Oil
Bergamot essential oil helps lower blood pressure. For best results, diffuse and inhale for 15 minutes to 1 hour.
Benefits include lowered blood pressure as well as reduced heart rate. The inhalation of the bergamot essential oil triggers the release of dopamine and serotonine which helps reduce stress which in turn lowers blood pressure.
. - Clary Sage Essential Oil
The inhalation of this essential oil helps to lower both systolic and diastolic blood pressure. This oil is good as an anti-depressant. This is a great help in disguise, as many depressed people turn to alcohol which tends to raise blood pressure.
. - Rose Essential Oil
- Ylang-Ylang Essential Oil
- Mandarin Essential Oil
- Lavender Essential Oil
- Lemon Balm Essential Oil
- Valerian Essential Oil
- Sweet Marjoram Essential Oil.
- Jasmine Essential Oil
Natural remedies can work alongside other lifestyle changes to make the difference.
Reduce Blood Pressure Tip #5
Reduce Stress
Stress can be a significant contributor to high blood pressure. Additionally, if you suffer from stress, then you are likely to resort to other unhealthy habits like gorging on junk food, smoking or drinking.
While it is very difficult to relieve all your stresses, there are many coping mechanisms which can make a difference.
For example, it is important to take some time out every day to practise de-stressing activities like meditation or yoga.
Reduce Blood Pressure Tip #6
Monitor Your Blood Pressure
If you keep up to date with your blood pressure, you are in a better position to check if your lifestyle changes are working.
Blood pressure monitors are available without a prescription, so you can do this from home. Alongside this, regular trips to the doctor are also important.
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