Rock Your Stress Away…
With A Rocking Chair!
3 Amazing Ways Why This Works!
A Home Cure for Stress:
A Rocking Chair A Day Keeps the Doctor Away

When babies are agitated, their mothers rock them.
Undoubtedly, there is something so soothing and comforting about rocking that calms the nervous system and take the dangerous edge of “I-can’t-take-it-anymore” away.
I recommend a rocking chair to anyone under stress, and more so to anyone under severe stress.
Remember, you may now be too old to be rocked by your mother, but you are not too old to rock yourself!

So, how does rocking help?
It does 3 very important things:
Rock Your Stress Away Benefit #1
It moves blood to the brain.
Your calf muscles tighten, pushing blood from the bottom to the top of the body. You can liken these muscles of your calf to the heart in your lower legs. When you use them to rock yourself, you send blood to your head.
Rock Your Stress Away Benefit #2.
The rocking movement helps to circulate the cerebrospinal fluid.
This important fluid is a carrier of neuro-peptides, basically neuro messenger chemicals.
These are …”Molecules of emotion” according to the famous neuroscientist, Candace Pert, Ph.D, former chief of the Clinical Neuroscience Branch of the National Institute of Mental Health.
The job of these messenger molecules is to carry emotion and nerve signals to the brain, spinal column and beyond.
So, buy yourself a rocking chair today and start rocking yourself when you are stressed.
Rock Your Stress Away Benefit #3
Rocking is mechanical sedation
This is in contrast to physical medication with prescription and over-the-counter drugs.
Observe autistic and emotionally-disturbed children: they often rock themselves to release tension. Take a lesson from them.

Additional Beneficial Tips from Rocking with A Rocking Chair
1. Helps in Prevention of Strokes and Dementia
To prevent a stroke, or hundreds of micro-strokes that can eventually lead to dementia, Use A Rocking Chair Daily.
2. Helps Problem Solving
Get onto a rocking chair and rock yourself when you are stressed. It can calm you and help you in your problem-solving ability. You just need to let to and get into the motion.
3. Helps to Increase Revenues in Large Enterprises
For big enterprises, HR can allocate a DeStress Room with rocking chairs for stressed individuals. The company might see an increase in its revenues through greater creativity and productivity from cool, de-stressed employees.
So rock your stress away with a rocking chair!
Wait…! Discover 3 novel ways to relax and unwind from stress now!
© Helen Chow ND
Naturopath, Herbalist
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Great one!