Role Reversal With Your Elderly Parent
They were your constant guide, and the strong people to look up to. However, this now is a total Role Reversal With Your Elderly Parent… As they – and you – age, things begin to change. Their eye-sight starts to fail; their balance gets unsteady. Health issues begin to creep up, from cancers to dementia.
This role reversal with your elderly parent is one you can embrace: but it can be done. And caring for anyone, let alone a parent, is not an easy decision to make.
There are nursing and care services available to support you. It’s difficult to know how to meet the demands which are required for an elderly parent.
And you also need to be well supported while you do it.
Not everyone will find it difficult to care for an older parent However, if your parents no longer have the same mental capacity they did before, it can be very hard.
In this nearly 100% Role Reversal With Your Elderly Parent, not only do you need to advocate for them where possible, you may also have to appoint a court of protection to give you power of attorney over their well-being. This kind of responsibility is very difficult. This is especially so if your parent believes that they are of sound mind and can still make their own choices.
There are a few very apparent common concerns when it comes to caring for an elderly parent. Some of these surround the worry of what to do if they can no longer stay in their home. You have to assess the living space you have at home and decide whether they would need to go into a care facility if you cannot host them.
You also should remember that you are still a person. And you may possibly have your own family to care. The strain of taking another person under your care for can often be too much.
On top of the emotional implications of caring for someone else, you have to consider the possible financial impact it could have on your family.
Will you have to sell their home to pay for their care? It’s a big question and calls into the picture whether you will have to spend any kind of inheritance to keep them looked after.
You first have to decide whether you are going take them under your care. Or you may consider whether you can share the job between any siblings you have. Your children will also feel the stress of the situation. You need to shield them from that as much as possible.
It’s not an easy task, this complete role reversal with your elderly parent, and it is often one that comes with a feeling of obligation. The best advice is to seek counselling and support from as many avenues as are open to you. The more support you have, the easier it will be to cope with the changes of role reversal.
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