Signs of Health Dysfunction
7 Indications You May Not Be in Peak Condition
We all need to be feeling good and functioning at a certain level in order to live a productive, happy life.
However, there are a few signs to indicate that you’re not functioning the way you should be.
Don’t worry if any of the 7 signs below resonate with you. They can be easy enough to rectify!
Take a look and see what you can do to ensure you start functioning in the best way possible from now on!
7 Signs of Health Dysfunction
1. Your Sleeping Pattern Is All Over The Place
There are a few debates out there about how humans should sleep to get the best results.
The majority of people sleep through the night. However, some people sleep in ‘phases’! This can be down to personal preference.
To make sure you get up in good time each day, go to bed at the same time each night.
Get yourself into a regular pattern like this, and stick to it even on weekends. Eventually, you will get used to it and you might not even need an alarm!
You may not need an alarm when you’re in the swing of things. However, an alarm clock that simulates sunrise and sunset could really help your body to sync up the way it should be.
Bear in mind that the place you sleep should be suitable for your individual needs. Your bedroom should be pitch black to avoid interrupting your quality of sleep!
2. You Don’t Feel Happy
Many people don’t feel happy. They put the blame on their job, somebody they don’t like, etc.
However, the truth is that being happy is a state that nothing else can touch. Sure, some things can be annoying. But we don’t actually need a reason to be or not to be happy.
Happiness is a choice, and it should be our natural state! Most people just forget this along the way! If you don’t feel happy and you’re pretty tired of it, take a look at your life.
Do you hate your job because it’s not right for you? Change it. Are you hanging around with toxic people? Drop them. Do you just like to find things to complain about constantly? Start being more grateful for the things you do have.
You can also meditate and exercise. These things make you happier both in the short and long term. Eventually, you should find yourself so much happier!
3. You Rely On Things Like Coffee To Help You Get Through The Day
Drinking a couple of coffees a day isn’t too bad. Some people are sensitive to caffeine and prefer to avoid it altogether. Others enjoy a cup or two with no problems.
Too much of a good thing can be damaging, so drinking more than 2 cups of coffee can make you jittery and paranoid. It could also be damaging to your health in more of a long-term way too.
If you rely on coffee to get you through the day, go back to your sleeping pattern and make sure that it’s healthy. Once you’ve done that, it could be a case of weaning yourself off all that caffeine.
Bear in mind that things like chocolate and soft drinks also contain caffeine.
4. You Have Unexplained Pains In Your Body
If you have unexplained pains in your body, this is a warning sign.
Headaches and migraines can be a sign of stress and dehydration. Twitches in your hand could be a sign of repetitive strain injury; many hand surgeons recommend you see a professional right away.
Pay attention to how your body feels and work out why it feels this way. .
This is another reason meditation is great; it allows you to take a deeper look at yourself and your habits. You can figure out what you can do to improve yourself, your health and your life.
5. You Procrastinate A Lot
Lack of productivity could mean you’re working yourself too hard in other areas of your life. If you have worked very hard at work recently, and now you can’t be bothered, you probably should have taken it easy before.
Procrastination can also mean that you’re in the wrong job. So make sure you’re doing something that you’re really interested in. However, this can be easier said than done.
We spend a large portion of our lives at work though, so doesn’t it make sense to do something you feel really passionately about? Then, you probably won’t even feel like you’re working. You’ll get lost in your work rather than watching the clock!
If you just feel plain lazy and fatigued, it could be a sign that you have other underlying problems. Make sure you know the difference between procrastination and being worn out.
6. You’re Losing/Gaining Weight
Losing/gaining weight as if by magic can be down to a number of serious conditions. These conditions should not be ignored.
You should visit a doctor right away if you know that your activity levels and eating habits haven’t changed.
If you’re unsure, start paying more attention to what you’re eating and the things you’re doing each day.
7. You Can’t Switch Off
Being unable to switch off can be a sign of stress. Many of the things in this guide will help you to learn to switch off gradually, such as exercise, meditation, and eating right.
You absolutely must develop a good work/life balance, or you will easily burn out and feel stressed all the time.
You’ll find yourself far more productive if you take time away from work to recharge your batteries. Try to leave work at work, and relax at home. Don’t just sit in front of the TV though!
Do things you enjoy, take long hot baths, and make sure you’re making the most of your ‘you’ time.

The tips in this guide will help you to get sufficient rest, feel so much better, and start being more productive in your everyday life. You should find that you get more done and feel so much happier in general.
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