How to Stay Independent As You Age
5 Smart Moves
Many of us worry about getting older, with the loss of our independence being at the top the list. No one wants to have to rely on others for everyday living.
Being able to look after yourself is probably an important part of maintaining your own identity. Here is how to take control so that you can be as independent as you want to be, well into your old age…
How to Stay Independent As You Age: Smart Move #1
Look after yourself physically; this is vital for protecting your independence
Read here about how to prevent yourself from getting sick so that you can go on living the life you want.
Make sure that you eat well. This means a balanced diet with plenty of fruit and vegetables.
If you live on your own, it’s easy to make the mistake of skipping meals, or just having a cup of tea and a biscuit or two instead of dinner. This can make you physically weak and vulnerable, so make the effort to cook for yourself.
You should also get some exercise: you don’t have to be one of those crazy weight-lifting grandmas, but taking a walk every day can help to preserve your mobility and allow you to maintain a healthy BMI.
How to Stay Independent As You Age: Smart Move #2
Tailor your home to fit your needs
If you find that using the stairs is becoming difficult for example, that doesn’t mean that you have to move into a nursing home or into relatives houses and lose your independence.
There are expert services you can use to find out how your house can be adapted so that you can carry on as before. Taking action like this helps you to do things your way, and be self-reliant – which can help you to maintain your confidence and self-esteem as you age.
How to Stay Independent As You Age: Smart Move #3
Get help when you need it to stay self-sufficient
If you struggle with cooking for yourself, find out about the possibility of using a meal delivery services to make eating easy and convenient.
If keeping on top of the chores becomes a bit too much, invest in a cleaner to come in once or twice a week.
The strongest people of all ages are not afraid to ask for help when it will make their lives easier – so make sure that you’re one of them!
How to Stay Independent As You Age: Smart Move #4
Protect your brain from decline as you get older by keeping your mind active
Read as much as you can, and engage the old grey matter with puzzles, crosswords and games like Sudoku.
Research has shown that people who spend their spare time on these kinds of activities remain mentally sharp for longer.
How to Stay Independent As You Age: Smart Move #5
Don’t forget to socialise
Loneliness can affect your physical and mental health, and cause you to be less independent than you might want to be.
Join a book club, learn a new language, or go to a dancing class – it doesn’t matter what you’re doing as long as it gets you out of the house and talking to people!
Getting older doesn’t have to mean relying on others and losing your independence – you just have to be proactive about taking care of yourself. Now, where did I put that Sudoku puzzle?
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