Your BEST Sustainable Weight Loss & Maintenance WAYS
3 Top Suggestions
Keep the extra weight off for good!
Many make the mistake of thinking that losing weight is the hard part. When actually, it’s keeping it off that’s the struggle. Admittedly, shedding the extra pounds isn’t always easy. But once you’ve hit your target weight, life becomes even more difficult.
The problem is that you have to ensure that you’re eating enough calories to maintain your weight, without overeating. This can be something that’s incredibly difficult to do.
Research has shown that two years after shedding their extra weight, most people weigh more than they did before that weight loss.

Sustainable Weight Loss Way #1
Be open-minded
When it comes to keeping the weight off for good, it’s important to be open-minded about the methods that you use.
Frankly, the main problem in keeping weight off is motivation. Once we hit our goal weight, all motivation goes out the window. It’s hard to stay motivated in the long-term.
However, there are certain things that can help with this, such as attending weekly weight loss support groups. This helps because you have people to hold you accountable. This means that you’re less likely to fall off the wagon, so to speak.
Another method that you can do use to stay motivated is to undergo hypnotherapy and hypnosis. Studies have shown that these two treatments can help to curb cravings, boost willpower, and help to reduce stress. Stress is a common cause of comfort eating, so learning how to manage it is important.
Sustainable Weight Loss Way #2
Weigh yourself regularly
Once you have hit your target weight, it’s easy to forget to weigh in each week. However, if you fail to do so, you may not notice that the pounds are starting to go back on. Obviously, it’s also fine to go by how your clothes fit. But even so, it’s a good idea to weigh yourself at least once every two weeks.
Note down your weight each time you weigh in. Even if your weight stays the same, a record will help you keep track of any changes.
If you’re exercising regularly, your weight may go up due to increases in muscle. So it’s best to keep track via measuring the size of your hips, waist, and the tops of your arms and legs.
Sustainable Weight Loss Way #3
Keep a food diary
To track your daily eating habits write it in a notebook, track it via an app, or photograph what you’re eating. It doesn’t matter how you choose to go about it, just as long as you make sure to keep track.
Keeping the weight off after reaching your target isn’t always easy. However, if you take note of the tips and advice above, you can make the process a little less stressful for yourself.
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