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Our Elderly Parents’ Old Age Is A Mirror of Our Own Later Lives
3 Lessons to Learn From
As we progress through life, we see more of the little negative aspects of life that can have a profound impact on our whole being. One of the biggest things we have to endure is seeing our parents age.
When we are in middle age, and we see those who looked after us and fed us, slowly begin to deteriorate, it can cause great anxiety.
We begin to question our own mortality too. In seeing our parents get older, what does it teach us?
Our Elderly Parents’ Old Age Is A Mirror of Our Own Later Lives: Lesson #1
We ALL Like to be Well-Treated
It’s one of those things you don’t really think about until someone you love ends up being unable to look after themselves anymore.
We end up putting our parents in care homes with nursing staff who do their utmost to make them comfortable, but we feel guilty nonetheless. We feel guilty about putting them there because we can’t look after them ourselves.
And in handing our parents over to other authorities, it makes us realize how many people are badly mistreated. We all want to be treated with respect and equality. However, we are so consumed by getting through life to fulfill our own needs. Perhaps other people fade in order of importance.
When we care for our parents in their elder years, it finally opens our eyes to the respect we need to treat others with. And with that, we ourselves hope that other people can treat us with the same respect.
Our Elderly Parents’ Old Age Is A Mirror of Our Own Later Lives: Lesson #2
Life Is Precious
Yes, our mortality becomes an overarching theme when we see our parents deteriorate, either mentally or physically. But do we end up caring for them as some kind of duty or do we care for them as a reminder as to how precious life is?
It’s funny when we end up going to funerals and go through the grieving process. But do we truly remember how much we focus on things which aren’t that important? Do we end up retreating back into that real life attitude?
Mainly because that’s how we have to survive from day to day. But if we can keep it firmly in our minds that life is precious, and that we don’t need to sweat the small stuff, which we inevitably do all too regularly, then we will gain that unique perspective.
Our Elderly Parents’ Old Age Is A Mirror of Our Own Later Lives: Lesson #3
Things Happen For A Reason
We can all do our best to fight against old mother time. However, when we see our parents or loved ones get on in age, we can feel guilty. And also feel angry. We can feel angry about what TIME has done.
The attitude to adopt is to take everything does happen for a reason. We can’t change circumstances when they’ve already happened, but we can do our best to cope with what we have. It can feel cruel if someone you love is suffering. Best to the lessons that life is teaching you.
Life is full of regrets, happiness, and guilt. When we look at our parents getting older, we learn so much, not just about them, but about ourselves. This means that it’s possible for us to continue our lives with a renewed sense of appreciation and gratitude.
It may not always feel like that… but as we slowly start to age ourselves, we hold a mirror up to a parents…. and we see ourselves. It is indeed true: Our Elderly Parents’ Old Age Is A Mirror of Our Own Later Lives…
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