Addiction Going Cold Turkey vs Cutting Down ~
Which Is Better For You?
All of us would admit that we have certain habits we’d rather not have.
Maybe we started smoking in high school thinking it looked ‘cool’ and now we’re hooked on ten a day.
Or, perhaps we know that we over-indulge on the booze a little bit, or even on sweet treats and takeaways.
Addiction comes in many forms, and it can vary from person to person regarding severity and how much it affects them. That is why the process of quitting will also be different for each person.
What worked for a friend may not necessarily work for you. So, often, it can be difficult to offer advice on how to give up your bad habits, especially if they are many years in the making!
However, the two most common methods are as follows: gradual reduction and ‘cold turkey.’ Not sure which one is right for you?
Read on for 2 pros and cons of both.
Addiction Going Cold Turkey vs Cutting Down: Method #1
Cold turkey is hard…
… if you already know you are likely to relapse.
Have you already tried to quit your habit before by simply giving it up and swearing you’ll never do it again? For many of us, this sounds like a familiar story.
Relapse is common for first-time quitters, and it can lead to a lot of distress as people tend to think they have ‘failed.’ Sure, on paper that may well be the case.
But try not to be too hard on yourself. Giving up a bad habit or an addiction takes time and effort. It’s fairly unlikely that you are going to get it right straight away.
Show yourself some love and don’t waste time beating yourself up about the relapse. Try again, or try the other method of cutting down gradually.
Addiction Going Cold Turkey vs Cutting Down: Method #2
Gradual is better when…
… you know that temptation is all around you.
Take smoking, for example, one of the world’s favourite bad habits (so it would seem). You may have decided you are giving up for good and thrown all your cigarettes out in the trash. Then you meet your friends out at the bar and find that they are ALL smoking!
Having your habit right in front of your face like this can break even the most determined of quitters. So, come prepared. Consider using vaporizers instead, for a kind of middle-ground between your long-standing habit and your desire to quit.
Additionally, if you are going down the gradual road with giving up alcohol, take just enough money out for one or two drinks. This will hold you accountable and is much better than flashing the plastic and buying rounds all night.
Both methods… Addiction Going Cold Turkey vs Cutting Down
… require a support system.
No matter which one you go for, it’s going to be a reasonably bumpy ride, especially if you have had this habit for many years.
It is, however, more than possible for you to knock it for good. Surround yourself with people who support you in your plight, not those who will try to lead you astray. Some friends may try to offer you advice about how THEY quit but only do what you feel comfortable within.
Whether you quit in one year or five, it’s all progress – so make sure you do what’s best for you. Revise again these 2 options: Addiction Going Cold Turkey vs Cutting Down. Stay strong: YOU CAN DO IT ~ If You Want To.