Eliminate Bad Health Habits For Good ~
4 SureFire Tips To Give Them The Boot!
When it comes to living happier and healthier lives, bad habits can often stand in the way.
The issue with habits is that once they become firmly entrenched in our life, they are not always easy to break.
People tend to say: “I can quit any time I want”, but when it comes down to it, it is usually not as easy as they first imagined.
Your bad health habit could be anything from binging on junk food to drinking too much alcohol or smoking. But don’t despair.
Below are 4 ways you can use to improve your odds of kicking these bad habits for good!
Eliminate Bad Health Habits Tip #1
Work Out Your Trigger
Pretty much everyone has a trigger That trigger is something which causes them to turn to their bad habit.
For many people, stress is an extremely common trigger. So, one of the first things that you need to do is tackle the problem of stress.
Sometimes, you can’t eliminate the cause of stress directly, but you can find better ways of dealing with it. For example, find some alone time each day to undertake some stress relieving activities like yoga or meditation. This once action can really make all the difference.
Another common trigger is boredom. So fill up your days with hobbies and activities. They can help fight against this particular issue.
Eliminate Bad Health Habits Tip #2
Find Substitutes
Going cold turkey rarely works when it comes to bad habits. So you may be looking to reduce your reliance on them. You also may be looking for substitutes.
For example, you may find yourself getting hungry at a similar time every day. You will then want to make a conscious effort to replace your regular snack with a healthier alternative.
If you are trying to cut back on smoking, you may find that a replacement like nicotine patches or vaping works for you. In such a case, a vape shop may be the place to go.
Experiment with different methods to find one that works for you.
Eliminate Bad Health Habits Tip #3
Join Forces with a Friend
They say that a problem shared is a problem halved. Often, drawing support from someone close to you who is also trying to kick a bad habit can give you the added burst of motivation you may be looking for.
We are often tempted to give up our bad habits alone as then no one is there to see us fail. But this can end up working against you.
If you do something together, you can hold each other accountable and celebrate all your victories as a team.
Eliminate Bad Health Habits Tip #4
Visualise Yourself Succeeding
It helps to work out the reasons why you are giving up a bad habit in the first place.
Maybe it is holding you back from the fitness goals you are trying to achieve. Maybe you have witnessed the negative impact it is having on your body. Maybe you simply want to stay healthier for longer.
Whatever the reason, it helps to visualise your success in the future. Always have this image in mind when you are tempted to slip back into your old ways.