Holistic Health Care ~
3 Vital Components: Mind. Body. Soul.
How To Care for Every Aspect Of You
Looking after your body can be a pretty complicated thing to do. Many people might say that it’s not, that it’s incredibly simple and that you’re just not putting in the right amount of effort.
However, when those people talk about the body, they’re often only thinking about one particular aspec tof it.
When it comes to looking after yourself, there are actually three different aspects you should focus on: The Body: the outside, the inside; the mind; the soul.
These three aspects, on a very broad level, are what make up your entire body.
There’s no way you’ll ever be able to function at full capacity if you’re only looking after one, or even two, of these parts. So here is a guide to make sure you’re taking care of every part of your body.
Holistic Health Care: Vital Component #1.1
Your Physical Body: The Outside
Simply put, this is everything that takes place on the surface.
When people think about caring for this part of their body, they often get trapped into only ever thinking about appearances. But taking care of your skin, teeth and hair is about more than just making sure that they all look nice.
Make sure that you’re not using any products that could do them any damage, such as chemical fragrances and preservatives.
You should also make sure that you always have a fully stocked first aid kid in your home, with bandages, aeroburn gel and band-aids to help you deal with the most common household injuries.
Of course, if any injury is particularly severe then don’t hesitate to go straight to the hospital.
Holistic Health Care: Vital Component #1.2
Your Physical Body: The Inside
This is the part of your body which people most commonly mean when they talk about taking care of yourself.
The inside of your body is what you can look after through your diet and lifestyle. Most of the time, outside of serious illness, if your body is feeling run down or low, it’s because of those things.
Make sure that you aren’t overloading your diet with junk foods. Another important thing is to make sure you stay hydrated.
Dehydration is a major problem for the majority of people. Simply by staying hydrated, you can improve your mood, your energy levels, your skin and even your figure.
Holistic Health Care: Vital Component #2
Your Mind
This is the one which tends to get neglected. There’s still a great deal of stigma around any problems someone might have concerning anxiety or depression.
The one big thing to remember is that your brain is an organ too. And just like any other part of the body, you need to take care of it.
It’s important to treat any issues your mind has with just as much care and attention as you would for physical problems. Take time to rest, don’t over work yourself.
Self-care is one of the most important things you can do in order to be a fully functioning, happy, and healthy individual.
Holistic Health Care: Vital Component #3
Your Soul Aspect
This aspect is rarely considered in orthodox medicine, if at all. And that is a grave mistake. If your soul life is not taken care of, your health can suffer. It is not within the scope of this article to expand on this topic. Do visit your spiritual leader for guidance and advice.
.Of course, taking care of each of these parts of yourself will have positive effects on all of the others as well.
The key is to treat them as parts of a greater whole. What is good for one is good for the others and, in the end, is good for you.