How to Maintain Optimal Physical and Mental Health
4 Easy Steps to Achieving This
You know that a positive mind-body connection, a regular fitness/exercise routine and a healthy diet, are crucial to your overall health and well-being.
There are, however, other steps that can help give your health a big boost. And although the following 4 tips can’t replace proper diet and exercise, they do benefit your health and are easy to do.
So do implement these tips into your health regime, and expect to see a big improvement to your overall well-being!
Optimal Physical and Mental Health: Success Hack #1
Find the Time to Laugh
Surround yourself with the people who bring a smile to your face and laugh often.
It’s easy to understand the mental health benefits of a good laugh, but laughter creates physical benefits as well.
The endorphins released from laughter helps combat stress, burn calories, boost your heart rate, stretch muscles and increase your metabolism.
These important happy hormones contribute to the health of your cardiovascular system and the prevention of other degenerative diseases like cancer.
It’s also way more fun than hitting the gym! 🙂
Optimal Physical and Mental Health: Success Hack #2
Get Enough Sleep
While most of your fitness goals likely revolve around getting moving, it’s important that you get your rest, too.
Most Americans simply don’t get sufficient deep sleep, and it’s a deficiency that gets paid for in a number of ways.
Experts have linked a lack of sleep to elevated glucose and stress levels as well as fertility issues, obesity with an inability to lose excess fat and immune system failures.
Mental health problems and countless other issues are attributed to sleep issues. Getting just one more hour of sleep a night can give your health a big boost.
Optimal Physical and Mental Health: Success Hack #3
Consult a Counsellor When Necessary
There is no shame in needing to talk to someone. In fact, it’s something we should all do from time to time even if we are in good mental health.
When a problem does arise in your life, however, you and your counselor can work on it together before it becomes an overwhelming issue.
Thanks to modern technology, you may even be able to find a counselor who uses mobile devices and apps to help you get the best service that you can.
It might be beneficial for you to do some basic research on your counselor before seeing them. You can do this by checking for reviews online and getting to know his or her educational background.
If they have counselling training, for example, you’ll be able to sit down with them and be confident that they know what they’re doing.
Your counselor, too, may be free or cost very little depending on your insurance plan. Don’t wait. Explore your counseling options, have a good laugh, compliment your spouse and go to bed a little earlier today.
Optimal Physical and Mental Health: Success Hack #4
Take Premium Natural Nutritional Supplements
A good healthy diet and stress reduction are important for our physical and mental health. However, a last 4th tip to this equation is the addition of prime nutrients.
We cannot expect to get all the nutrition we need from just the food we eat. Our soils are depleted. Chemicals and preservatives are added to commercially-produced foods. Then there are genetically-modified foods and radiation…plus a slew of other environmental and radio-active pollutants.
Therefore, we need to add nutritional supplements to our diets. However, not all supplements are created equal. Chemical, inorganic supplements are not the answer; natural, organic ones are the only way forward.
Inflammation is a prime cause of ill health. For this, the best natural anti-inflammatory is the humble curcumin, the medicinal extract from the turmeric root.
Bio-available, organic minerals and a broad full-spectrum vitamin are essential for optimal health.
Additionally, a high daily dose of vitamin C is crucial. Animals do not get heart disease because their bodies can make this vitamin which is a prime preventive nutrient against cardiovascular and degenerative diseases.
Following the tips above will give you a head start towards optimal physical and mental health.
With the exception of counselling, all of the health improvement methods listed here are easy-to-follow and to include in your daily life. So just get started today!
Post by Hannah Whittenly
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