,Know, and attend to, The Early Warning Signs of Cardiac Arrest Heart Attack
This could be a question of life and death for you!
Helen Chow, ND
Knowing about, and recognising, the specific early warning signs of cardiac arrest heart attack could very well save your life or that of those you love.
It is a common occurrence that every year, many people suffer die a sudden death as a result of a cardiac arrest. Their hearts will just suddenly cease to beat. Such victims have included actor James Gandolfini and TV anchorman Tim Russert. It also happened to one of my close friends years ago.
Needless to say, it is extremely devastating for those left behind, since it seems to happen all so suddenly, out of the blue, with no prior warning, or…. so it seems.
So, as a loved one, or you yourself, knowing the specific early warning signs of cardiac arrest heart attack is a very neat education you really should double your efforts to learn!
Research now shows that seemingly inopportune cardiac arrests have tell-tale symptoms up to as long as a month ahead of its actual happening.
Research on 500 men who had suffered cardiac arrests in Portland, Oregan, between 2002 and 2012 indicated that over half of them had had symptoms including dizziness, chest pain, shortness of breath, palpitations, some 4 weeks prior to the actual occurrence happening. Some men even had fainting spells.
Symptoms in Men and Women include:
- Throat discomfort. More likely in women.
- Right-side chest discomfort. More likely in men
- Pain, shortness of breath, unusual fatigue. Both men and women
- Discomfort.
- Sweating
- Pain in one or both arms
- Dull ache.
- Light-headedness or dizziness.
- Pressing on the chest.
- Nausea, Vomiting.
- Indigestion
It is indeed sensible, since your life (or death) may depend on this, to take immediate precautionary measures when you FIRST recognise these symptoms, especially if you already suffer from coronary artery disease.
Of course, these symptoms could be false alarms, but do you really want to take the risk?
Don’t be an ostrich and hide your head in the sand. Your prompt action could mean your family might not be bereft of a father/mother/wife/husband… prematurely.t
So make it a number 1 priority duty to learn and memorize the specific early warning signs of cardiac arrest heart attack… NOW. Before the NOW becomes the ‘TOO LATE’ filled with sorrow, grief, remorse and regret.
©Helen Chow, ND
In the event of a heart attack or stroke, time is of essence: even seconds can spell death. Learn what you can do to save your loved one’s life while waiting for the emergency services to arrive.
.Click here for this vital information
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