What are The Best Natural Cough Remedies to Take?
Your 5 Top Ones!
Natural Remedies Which Can Certainly Help!
Getting a cough, much like the common cold, at some point in our life is pretty much unavoidable no matter how fit and healthy we might be.
As odd as it might sound, a cough is actually a good thing and is our body’s way of clearing out any irritants, helping to keep our airways clear from phlegm and mucus. However, that doesn’t mean that they aren’t irritating.
To keep those annoying and painful cough attacks at bay, here are five natural remedies to help you get rid of any coughs that you might be experiencing due to allergies, colds, or the flu.
All of these natural remedies can help to either soothe or get rid of a cough altogether. However, if you find yourself with a persistent cough that won’t go away, make an appointment to see your local doctor or cough specialist. Just to be on the safe side!
Natural Cough Remedies #1
The health benefits and uses of honey seem to be never-ending: great for colds, the heart, and applied topically onto the skin, a spoonful can also help to soothe a dry and pesky cough.
Its sticky texture coats your throat, causing a soothing effect, and relieves soreness as well as dryness. Honey also has many antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, making it the perfect natural remedy for keeping coughs and colds at bay.
It can be even more effective than many over-the-counter medicines and syrups.
Mix up to two teaspoons of honey into some warm water and lemon, add to your favourite tea, or spread onto some bread to double up as both a tasty snack and soothing cough remedy.
Natural Cough Remedies #2
Drink Lots of Hot / Warm Fluids
Staying hydrated is really important when it comes to tackling and getting rid of a cough, with many people suffering running the risk of being dehydrated.
Fluids also help boost your immune system to fight off whatever might be causing the cough, as well as help to loosen any mucus that could be causing irritation and remove it from the body.
To be most effective, make sure that the fluids are warm such as tea, warm soups, and warm water with lemon.
Natural Cough Remedies #3
Use Steam
Yes, something as simple and easy as steam can help and cause some much-needed relief, especially for wet coughs where there is a lot of mucus. The warm air will help to loosen it up, making it easier to dispel from the body, while moistening your nasal passages to keep dry hacking at bay.
The best thing is that this remedy isn’t expensive and can be done at home by simply taking a hot and steamy shower or bringing a large pot of water to boil. Cover your head with a towel and lean over to take some deep breaths to inhale the steam as far as possible to reduce and ease irritation.
Natural Cough Remedies #4
Make Use of Pineapple Power
While fruit has always been good for you and beneficial for your health in more ways than one, pineapple, in particular, can make an excellent cough remedy due to an enzyme called bromelain. .
Found only in the stem and fruit, bromelain can help suppress coughs during those moments when you can’t stop spluttering. It has also been claimed to help those suffering from sinus problems as well as chronic inflammation.
You can find bromelain in tablet form for a fast and convenient way to top up or simply treat yourself to a glass of pineapple juice or a few pineapple slices.
Natural Cough Remedies #5
More commonly associated with gut health, probiotics help to balance the gastrointestinal bacteria that live in the intestines.
What does this have to do with cough relief, you might be thinking? A healthy gut is a foundation for the rest of your health, supporting the entire body’s immune system. A strong and healthy immune system is less likely to come down with coughs and colds and various other illnesses.
So, invest in a good probiotic to keep any nasties at bay and to improve your overall health. Probiotics can also be found in found such as yoghurt, kefir, pickles, kombucha as well as some sourdough bread and cheeses for those that don’t want the hassle of taking daily supplements.
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