Taking Good Care of Your Mind and Body
5 Top Practices
The world is big. Life moves at lightning speed today in the 21st century: Instant food. Instant weight loss. Instant Meditation. Instant Enlightenment. Instant Results….
And we can easily get burnt out, left in the dust, scratching our heads wondering what happened. Our ‘instant everything’ lifestyle doesn’t actually seem to work.
It’s really high time to assess and reassess your lifestyle on a regular basis, and tweak diligently until you fine-tune it to make it one which makes you a happy, balanced person. Yes, a healthy lifestyle may seem to take a lot of work, but bear in mind, it’s YOUR LIFE. If you don’t care about your well-being, no one CAN suffer the consequences of bad choices for you BUT YOU yourself. Give this some real thought and consideration.
So get going and tweak the 5 suggestions below. You owe it to yourself.
Taking good Care of Your Mind and Body: Tip #1
Get Enough Sleep
Sleep is restorative. A lack of sleep affects your overall health, mind-body-spirit. Inadequate deep REM sleep can lead to depression, mental fogginess and eventually to health breakdown.
A better night’s sleep is energy-boosting and health-restorative. It is imperative to work towards this as a self-responsible person. If you have problems falling asleep, don’t start popping sleeping pill. Go for natural sleep remedies first like lavender, valerian and St John’s Wort herbal teas. These are effective in inducing sleep and don’t have side effects. Be kind and give your body a chance. Use natural means whenever possible.
Sleeping pills keep you in a drugged state and, taken with regularly, can have detrimental consequences. You only have to think of famous celebrities like Elvis Presley, who took pills to help them sleep and pills to help them wake up, a pill for this and a pill for that, and the dire tragedies of their lives.
A true story:
My cousin had (past tense) a sister-in-law who had access to free medication under a government scheme. So she dutifully took all and every pill prescribed FREE of charge. Why not, they were free? Save lots of money to spend on other things. So, for several decades, she popped pills indiscriminately.
A few years after she retired, her kidneys failed, and she required daily dialysis. Then she developed dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Being much weakened, she fell down one day, hit her head on the floor and fell into a deep coma. And passed away some time later. You decipher yourself the moral of this REAL story.
You could also other methods organic, natural sleep solutions like a proper sleep environment with zero blue lights, 100% dark drapes to prevent any light in your bedroom, a proper mattress and a regular sleeping time.
You can also try meditation and relaxation an hour prior to your bedtime. One very good way to induce natural sleep is to embrace a regular yoga practice. Massage is another helpful therapy for moving the bodily energy or ‘chi. Thai yoga massage is very helpful with this.
Try and try and try and try until you find a suitable sleep program for yourself which works. Your health and wellbeing are worth that much and more.
Taking good Care of Your Mind and Body: Tip #2
Eat Well: Eat Real Food
We live in our physical bodies. Just like you wouldn’t put diesel in your Rolls Royce, would you put adulterated, processed, franken foods into your body?
However, that’s what the majority of people in developed countries do. And people in third-world countries are simply aspiring and ‘dying’ to follow in these ‘affluent’ footsteps.
There are these bad ‘edible’ oils that we use which even flies wouldn’t choose to die in. Yet, we love our deep-fried chicken restaurant ~ our big treat to comfort ourselves after a harrowing day at the office or to quieten down our kids. What about our absolutely beloved beer-battered cod fry-up? Or extra chips at the local diner’s? Okay, add on the brown sauce and malt vinegar, mate!
Just the other day, I saw a takoyaki vendor at a street fair, generously slather his takoyaki balls (Octopus Balls, one of Japan’s best-known, much-loved street food originating from Osaka) with oil from a big pot using a big paint brush. Common sense would tell you that the oil would not be an extra virgin cold-pressed, organic oil. Yet, the queue, parents with their children, for these balls was long, long, long. Please come to your senses. Your life is that precious.
If you want a good fried chicken, this is a great, healthy, delicious Chicken Wing Délice Recipe you can download for free. If you love fried foods, make them at home – with real ingredients and proper oils. Put in some elbow grease for your own good health.
Be wary. Become your very own food detective, and take a sneak peek at the condition of joint fryers and their contents. You might think not twice before ordering, but hopefully, this will put you completely, totally OFF. Do download and read this eReport Fats Which Heal, Fats Which Kill…
What about sugar and all the foods and drinks made with it like soda/soft-drinks? Then people wonder why they’re lying in the operating theatre, scared as hell while waiting to have their toes or legs amputated. Those sodas/cakes/candies did taste ever so good, didn’t they…?
There are GM-ed (genetically-modified) foods with hidden chemical additives, colourings which have been marketed as healthy and good, but which your body cannot recognise and don’t know what to do with. So all these are shoved under the carpet in your body, so to speak. Then one day, all hell breaks loose. And people wonder why they are ill with cancer, or need to have open-heart surgery…
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Try putting adulterated petrol in your beloved Harley Davidson tomorrow. People treat their beloved possessions better than their bodies…that is, until they are diagnosed with a degenerative disease. And are given the death sentence: “You’ve got 3 months, 6 months, 9 months, 12 months to live…” You’re never told you’ve got 5 months or 7 months, or 11 months.
Marketing is a ruthless industry. Much like a big, bad wolf in sheep’s clothing. Big food companies have profits as their main goal and priority. Do you think they think your health is that important? Go figure.
Taking good Care of Your Mind and Body: Tip #3
Move More
Along with eating REAL FOOD, you want to move your body. No point having a Bentley in your garage and admiring it every day, and not going for a spin in it.
Walking is one of the best exercises. Yoga is another excellent practice, as is swimming. Doing an exercise that you love is the best form of movement, so find something that you love and you’ll look forward to doing it.
Make sure that you have the proper exercise gear like footwear, or orthotic insoles if you need them, and protective eye goggles if swimming is your joy. And then, just go do it.
Taking good Care of Your Mind and Body: Tip #4
Stay Hydrated
Your body is made up of more than 70% water.
Water is the secret to health. “Medications are palliatives. They are not designed to cure the degenerative diseases of the body.” F. Batmanghelidj, M.D
According to Dr. Batmanghelidj, in his book: “Your Body’s Many Cries for Water“ a lack of water is a source of a great many medical disorders.
It’s very important for you to ensure that your body stays as hydrated as possible by drinking sufficient water.
Taking good Care of Your Mind and Body: Tip #5
Reduce Stress, Practise Mindfulness
Your mental health is vitally important. All the good work you do with your physical health through eating real food, avoiding chemicals and the excessive and unnecessary consumption of prescription drugs will be wasted if your mental health is poor and if stress is your constant daily companion.
Stress CAN KILL. Stress DOES KILL. You can learn how to stop mental stress. Do NOT disregard stress. Because it will break your down, bit by bit, insidiously. Slowly and surely.
Mindfulness is ONE great life-saving practice to practise and master. Make it your goal to be more mindful. You can start with deep breathing. Then, watch your thoughts. If you practise with diligence (if you deem your life worth it), you will eventually begin to ‘catch’ your thoughts. You will see them coming. And if you have been practising mindfulness, you will see that your thoughts are not really you. Because you can ‘see’ them. And then you can choose to ‘catch’ which to think, and which not to use.
To get a start, grab your free ‘The Little Stress Buster Book’. See you on the other side!
© Helen Chow, ND

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What are Your Favourite Tips OR Challenges for taking care of your body and for staying in Tip-Top shape? Share with us below!