Amazing Health Boosting Foods ~ 7 Absolute Health Gems!
Amazing Health Boosting Foods
7 Absolute Health Gems!
Some foods claim serious bragging rights! Such foods have the power to reduce the likelihood of diseases such as diabetes, cancer and heart disease.
They can help boost your immune system. In addition, they protect your skin and help you lose weight!
7 Best Health Boosting Foods for Your Body!
Amazing Health Boosting Foods #1
Greek Yogurt
Yogurt is a tasty way to get calcium. It’s often a better food to find it than some of your favourite snacks.
This superfood is also loaded with immune-boosting bacteria! Greek yogurt has twice the protein as regular yogurt.
So next time you are in the supermarket and fancy a creamy treat, be sure to pick this up!
Amazing Health Boosting Foods #2
Salmon is an excellent source of vitamin D. It is also one of the best sources of omega-3s that you can get.
These fatty acids have a huge array of benefits. They range from boosting your mood to minimizing arthritis, to preventing heart disease.
Salmon also takes much longer to digest than many foods. As such, this fish will make you feel fuller for longer. It might just help stop your food cravings throughout the day.
Amazing Health Boosting Foods #3
Ah, the avocado! You don’t need a qualification from the Nutrition Therapy Institute to know all about this lovely fruit.
Not only is it currently super trendy to eat. It’s really tasty and super good for you!
These buttery balls of goodness are a great source of mono-unsaturated fats. Such fats are linked to lowering the risk of heart disease.
To avoid weight-gain, replace with an avocado where you would usually eat something which is high in fat like mayonnaise.
Amazing Health Boosting Foods #4
Not only are these fruits super tasty and delicious on desserts, but they are filled with potassium. These super fruits are great for lowering blood pressure.
Six fresh figs provide a whopping 20% of your RDA for potassium – about double what you’ll get from a large banana.
They’re also a good source of calcium, with as much per serving as half a cup of fat-free milk.
Amazing Health Boosting Foods #5
Dark chocolate
Life just isn’t worth living without chocolate! Or so some people say…
It’s really true ~ this darling food is very nutritious.
Dark chocolate has a whole host of nutritional and health benefits. It’s filled with flavonoid antioxidants that stop your arteries clogging up.
Surprisingly, it helps with weight loss (really) as it tends to make you feel fuller for longer.
Amazing Health Boosting Foods #6
Peanut butter
Stick to an unsweetened peanut butter made with real peanuts and NOT with trans-fat oils or margarine.
Such a peanut butter is immune-boosting. It is a magnesium-filled treat, a tasty delight which can make us feel good about our snack choices.
It is high in protein and fibre, which will keep you full for hours. It is also a good source of mono-saturated fats. These are proven to ward off diabetes and aid with weight loss.
Crunchy peanut butter usually contains more fibre and less sugar.
Amazing Health Boosting Foods #7
There is a God! Wine has antioxidants which help lower cholesterol levels and improve heart health.
Wine also contains a compound called resveratrol (more common in red wine than white). This precious compound has been shown to ward off depression and regulate blood sugar.
Be warned though: more than a couple of glasses per week can significantly increase your risk of degenerative disease. Drink moderately and responsibly.
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What are Your Recipes, Remedies, Tips and Exciting Healthy Foods for Health & Healing? Share with us below!
Health Hangups ~ 5 Top Issues to Address to Improve Your Life
Ditch Your Health Hangups
5 Top Hacks to Improve Your Life
There are many things in life that humans do which are bad for their health. Some of these are negligible, but others are damaging beyond belief.
Sure, there are certain things to avoid for health reasons. Some of these are slowly unhealthy, creeping up on you insidiously over time. Yet others are disastrous and can be potentially life threatening.
Your health is your most precious asset. If you don’t look after it, where will you live, if not in your body?
Yet, it is what the majority of people take for granted ~ until ill health hits them like a ton of bricks.
When your health starts to deteriorate, you need to ask action as fast as possible. Otherwise you could end up in an early grave. It sounds morbid and severe, yet there are many things out there that can hurt you bad.
You may already follow and know some of the following health tips. If you don’t, then pay attention. They could give you a better lease of life and help you avoid issues that can drag your quality of life right through the gutter. After all, everyone wants to be healthy and live for longer!
1. Address Your Drinks (Alcoholic) Issues
In the first instance, alcoholism needs to be addressed. It isn’t good for you. You may only have one or two a week, well, that’s fine.
But for those of us who drink daily (and can’t imagine not drinking daily), the risk of degenerative health diseases increases.
Alcohol is a drug. And a harmful drug at that! Hundreds die from alcoholism or alcohol-related illness every day.
If you think you are an alcoholic, then perhaps you need to make the right decision for yourself. Consider a high sobriety clinic to help you pull through.
Checking yourself in can be pretty harrowing, but it is the right thing to do. Think of your family and your life. You can prolong it by stopping drinking alcohol excessively.
It may be a simple case of cutting back slightly. Limit drinking alcohol to weekends. Or stop completely. Drop the whiskeys to beers.
Whatever you decide, only you can be the true master of what and how often you drink.
2. Give up Smoking
Smoking is another serious health issue. In this day and age, to be blunt, if you smoke you are stupid.
Think of cigarettes as death sticks. Each one you smoke takes a certain amount of time from you and your life. Stop smoking immediately.
And don’t take up vaping either. They only say it isn’t bad for you because the disastrous effects have yet to be described.
Use patches, pills, lozenges, whatever you need to ensure you can stop smoking. It is the tar which clogs up your arteries and lungs. Tar can give you throat cancer, lung cancer, heart disease, shortness of breath and bad breath. It destroys your taste buds.
The reasons for stopping are huge. The reasons for smoking, well, there are none.
You may justify it by thinking you enjoy it, and you like it. But it just doesn’t cut it. Simple. You are harming yourself and others.
Stop it. If you are too weak to do it yourself seek out help. Don’t be stupid. Stop smoking. Now!
3. Give Up Heavy Drugs
The use of heavy drugs harms more than smoking does. Drugs like cocaine, heroin and meth hurt your bank balance as well as your health.
Many of these heavy-duty drugs have as high as a ninety percent addiction rate. These can kill you fast.
Or, they can rot your teeth and destroy your internal bodily organs. They guarantee you that you will live the rest of your life in pain, anger and despair. Stop while you can. Seek help while you can.
People come to drugs for different reasons, but it doesn’t give you the green light.
If you are reading this, you know you need to stop. Seek help, downgrade until you no longer do drugs. You’ll become a better person for it.
4. If Food Be The Music of Life…
When it comes of food ingredients, sugar is today’s BIG vice. It is in everything.
Why? Because it tastes good. It could make anything taste good. That is why companies pump their products full of it..
Look at Coke. It is quite vile when you consider a small glass has around four heaped teaspoons of sugar. A small amount isn’t too bad for you. But when they completely load it into everything you eat, you need to be careful and exercise due diligence.
Sugar turns into fat fast. You can beat it. Give up coke. In fact, give up all fizzy drinks and soda. The sugar-substituted ones are no good. They have their own health disadvantages. As have the low-calorie and zero-calorie ones. Don’t fall victim to this.
It may be harder to do this with food, so do it with drink. Especially if you have kids in the house who will completely love sugar.
What about small doses and the occasional treat? You be the judge. Larger quantities can be pretty harmful.
5. Embrace Exercise
You need exercise to keep you fit and healthy. Different people need different levels. If you don’t exercise sufficiently, then you aren’t doing yourself any favours.
The exercise you do doesn’t need to be heavy. Taking the stairs one day instead of the lift constitutes as exercise. You just need to keep at it. Make little changes.
Do you live close to work? Then consider cycling or running. If not, get a treadmill and do twenty minutes a day, or every two days. There are many things you can do to improve your life in this regard.
Do you enjoy a certain sport? Take it up. Enjoy tennis? Joining a club. Like football? Join a team.
Playing sports is great for exercise because it does not actually feel like exercise. Instead, it is fun. Ask your partner or friend if they want to take part with you to make it even more enjoyable.
In this day and age, care is needed more than ever to protect you and your family from the many health hangups out there. The trick is being vigilant. If you can be vigilant you can catch the sugar, stop taking bad things and get the right exercise. Just try to bear it in mind as you live your life for the best chances of making a positive change.
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Share with us and our readers below your challenges, successes, tips and tricks for overcoming your health hangups. What are they? We’d love to learn. Thanks!.
How to Have A Healthy Pregnancy ~ 3 Super Duper Tips
How to Have A Healthy Pregnancy ~
3 Super Duper Tips
Pregnancy is a huge responsibility, so you are going to need all the help you can get.
From the moment you discover you have conceived right up to the moment you give birth, you are entirely responsible to that growing baby inside you.
Of course, the responsibility doesn’t end in the labour room. It many ways it only just begins.
However right now, what you put into your body is going to give, or take away, your baby’s best start in life.
There are, of course, many influences which could cause an issue during your pregnancy. From tragic accidents to issues involving birth injury attorneys, family history or just mother nature, we cannot always ensure our pregnancy is healthy or goes to full term.
There are, however, many ways we can do our best to ensure the very strongest start for our baby.
A Healthy Pregnancy Tip #1:
Adequate Hydration
The most important place to start is with your hydration.
Not only are you now needing to take on enough water for you, but you also need to take on enough water for your baby.
You may already know that dehydration can affect you in detrimental ways. However, did you know in the third trimester it could force you into an early labour?
If you feel dizzy or have cramps and you can’t explain them, your body could be trying to tell you that you are running desperately short on water. So drink up!
Water feeds our cells and helps ensure everything regenerates. It is the foundation for cell development, so ensure that you drink enough during your term of pregnancy.
About three weeks after conception is when all the vital organs start to grow. Thus, this is a critical time to be sufficiently hydrated.
If you are planning a pregnancy, get on top of this straight away. If you discovered you are pregnant, then it isn’t too late to hydrate!
A Healthy Pregnancy Tip #2:
Your Diet
Your diet is paramount as you are now building a human being.
Make sure to have a wide variety of nutrients and vitamins.
Increase your consumption of superfoods like cherries, goji berries, wheat and barley grass. quinoa, blueberries, broccoli, strawberries and kale.
Omega 3 fatty acids are vital for the development of a baby and as such you should ensure you get plenty of fish, avocado, olive oil and egg.
However, you do need to ensure you aren’t eating a high-mercury content fish such as tuna. Stick to wild salmon or river mackerel.
If you are eating egg, make sure you have them bard-boiled. Even poached or scrambled eggs can contain raw egg, and this could be dangerous for your baby.
A Healthy Pregnancy Tip #3:
Give Yourself and Your Child A Healthy World – Go Organic!.

Get the foundations right. Remember you are eating for two, so ensure what you are eating is healthy, clean and free from chemicals.
Even if it is just for the duration of your pregnancy, think about going organic. Your baby deserves the very best start in life that you can give her!
Additionally, by going organic, you’ll also be ensuring a healthier, ecological planet for her to live in as she grows up. What could be better than t
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Share with us below your experiences, challenges and successes for a healthy pregnancy and childbirth!.
How to Stay Youthful ~ 5 Fantastic Hacks To Prolong Your Youth
How to Stay Youthful ~
5 Fantastic Hacks To Prolong Your Youth
As we get older and age, many of us try to find ways to hold onto our fading youth. Maybe you want to try and keep hold of your youthful looks? Or perhaps you want your good health and fitness to stay with you a little while longer. Who doesn’t?!
Whatever the reason you want to try and stay youthful, these intriguing hacks should help you look and feel younger for much longer.
How to Stay Youthful: Hack #1
Eat Superfoods
Your diet may already be very healthy, but are you eating enough superfoods? These are natural ingredients that have remarkable properties which are very beneficial when it comes to our health.
For instance, fruits and vegetables such as blueberries and kale are full of antioxidants.
These antioxidants are great at helping our bodies to fight life-threatening diseases such as cancers and strokes.
You should as many superfoods in your diet as possible. It is one of the best ways to ensure your health continues to be good well into old age.
How to Stay Youthful: Hack #2
Take Serious Care of Your Teeth
As people age, many are worried about losing their teeth. Some people start losing their teeth once they hit middle age.
Many spend a lot of money on dental treatments to try and save or replace lost or rotten teeth.
There is one really cheap solution. This is simply taking great care of your teeth at all times. This would include flossing after every meal, brushing regularly, visiting your dentist at least twice a year to keep your teeth and gums as healthy as possible.
From a dietary point of view, avoid highly acidic foods as these erode the delicate enamel of your teeth. Reduce or cut out your consumption of sugar and sugary foods.
For those who have lost their teeth, a simple solution is to wear dentures to replace them.
For cosmetically beautiful teeth, you could consider dental implants for a more permanent solution.
How to Stay Youthful: Hack #3
Quit Bad Habits
Many bad habits that we enjoy cause a lot of damage to our health. Smoking and drinking alcohol are two of the worst.
It’s important to cut down on the amount of alcohol you drink as you get older, as it can speed up the aging process. For instance, alcohol can increase the visibility of wrinkles and age lines.
Smoking is another bad habit that you need to try and nip in the bud. It’s a dangerous and addictive habit, which can increase your chances of detrimental long-term health conditions.
How to Stay Youthful: Hack #4
Stay Away From Stress
Many scientific studies show that too much stress can speed up the aging process.
So one of the best ways to prevent premature aging is to try and keep your life as stress-free as possible.
Unfortunately, this isn’t always easily possible.
But if you do find that life starts to get on top of you, you can try a few different stress-reducing tactics.
One of the best things you can do is to do yoga and meditate. These are two of the best ways to reduce everyday stresses.
How to Stay Youthful: Hack #5
Start Walking Regularly!

Start planning a twenty-minute walk into your day. As you age, your metabolism starts to slow down, and one of the best ways to give it a little boost is to get active.
Walking is one of the easiest forms of exercising, and you can easily get into it even if you don’t have a good level of fitness.
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Share with us below your challenges, successes and tips for keeping youthful with the passage of time.