How to Achieve The Art of Mindfulness
6 Effective & Simple Ways to Master This
In a modern world full of stress and questionable lifestyle choices (too much alcohol, smoking, lack of exercise, poor dietary choices often leading to weigh issues and obesity, late nights and stretching the day to its maximum…), mindfulness may sound a little bit out of sync.
However, this word, MINDFULNESS, and its concept have been buzzing around quite a lot lately. And as a result, this can make the whole thing sound a little more complicated than it actually is!
Psychologist Marsha Lucas defines mindfulness as paying attention in a non-particular way, as well as being in the present, being conscious of decisions, and living in a non-judgmental way.
And when you can incorporate that into your life, it can mean living a life living on purpose, living deliberately, and enjoying your life more.
Not only that, this can make a world of difference in your overall health and well-being. It’s the endorphins (the happy hormones) which are released when you feel good. These can help prevent degenerative diseases like cancer and heart problems which are causing havoc in the health scene today.
You can take this a step further by taking premium supplements like Stem Cell supplements and plant-based minerals and vitamins to your daily health regime. These will help in keeping your body and mind in optimal condition so you can benefit from your new practice of mindfulness.
So if you’re not too sure where to start when it comes to mindfulness, then here are 6 ways that you can incorporate it into your life. Starting today.
The Art of Mindfulness Tip #1
Stay Mindful in Everyday Activities
You can start by being more conscious of what you are eating, rather than flowing through life non-deliberately, to simply paying more attention to how and why you’re brushing your teeth.
Things like social media and our devices can suck us in and waste our time. But being more mindful means using this technology with a purpose. Approach this with awareness. Do this in your hobbies. Do you draw? Then practise mindfulness when you are drawing.
What are you looking for? Your answer could be entertainment, rather than just scrolling aimlessly.
The Art of Mindfulness Tip #2
Be Mindful As Soon As You’re Awake
If you are able to be mindful as soon as you wake up, then it can set the tone for your day, as well as for your nervous system!
This can be as simple as meditation or a prayer, whatever works for you. It can simply be sitting and thinking out your day ahead. Just be sure to do it before breakfast, before turning on the TV or before looking at your smart phone.
It may very well become something that you quickly establish as part of your routine because of the calm and peace that it brings. It also means that more mindful moments are likely throughout the rest of your day, if you make time for them first thing in the morning.
The Art of Mindfulness Tip #3
Kick Bad Habits
If you are looking to be more mindful, then you will quite quickly come to realize that your bad habits simply are not conducive. The question you need to ask is: “What are they really achieving? “
Give your diet a make-over. Choose to eat real food. This would mean a conscious choice away from GM (genetically-modified foods, processed and irradiated foods, chemical additives and more.
There is a connection between the physical body (what you eat) and the mind. An optimally healthy diet can only make your practice of mindfulness more effective to bring the benefits into your life.
The trick is to join a group of like-minded people (like those who Eat Delicious Food As Medicine), who practise the same way of living.
What can be better than eating delicious food and being on top of your health? So be mindful when you prepare and eat your (delicious!) food!
Kicking bad habits allows you to free your body. This could lead you to freedom in your psychological health and your life through mindfulness.
The Art of Mindfulness Tip #4
Let Your Mind Wander
These changes in the brain can be beneficial to your mind. And a good thing for mindfulness too: When you’re able to recognize that your mind has wandered off to other things, you can practice ‘gently’ bringing it back to the present. And be more conscious of what is going on around you.
So don’t just presume that you have to be focused all of the time.
The Art of Mindfulness Tip #5
Choose a Prompt
With the busyness of everyday life, it can be hard to always be present and practice being mindful.
However, if you can choose a prompt, that can remind you daily to take a minute or two to focus, then you’re going to be much more likely to see it making a difference in your life.
This prompt could be when you have a cup of tea, when you look in a mirror, or when you sing a song special to you, as examples. Just choose something that you do a few times a day. This specific activity can act as a prompt and a reminder for you.
The Art of Mindfulness Tip #6
Find a Relaxing Hobby You Love
This hobby that you love could be yoga, Pilates, meditation, writing, sewing, or drawing, as examples.
Then, as and when you immerse yourself in this hobby, it will allow you to relax, unwind, be present, and be more mindful. However, you may find that you may need some practice, though. So don’t give up if you don’t find that it works for you at first.
In what ways do you practise mindfulness already in your life? It would be interesting to hear what you think.
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