Best Tips For A Healthy Lifestyle
5 Star Hacks to Achieve Optimal Health!

But successfully doing this actually takes a broader set of actions than many people seem to assume, and by getting in touch with that you can hope to care for yourself a lot better.
In this post, we are going to look at some of the simple things that make looking after your health so much easier and more straightforward. Any of these are going to make a significant difference to your health levels overall, so they are well worth focusing on.
Tips for A Healthy Lifestyle: #1
Be Financially Stable
You don’t have to be rich in order to be healthy, but having a stable financial life is certainly going to help things along nicely. When you are unstable in terms of your finances, it can really make a huge difference to how well you can look after your health and the health of those around you.
But being stable means that you are more able to afford good quality food, better healthcare, and so many other advantages too.
Whether you need to take out Buddy Loans or you just need to improve your spending approach, getting more financially stable is definitely going to help improve your health.

Tips for A Healthy Lifestyle: #2
Create A Good Work/Life Balance
Everyone talks about the importance of the work/life balance, but how many people actually manage to follow that advice? If you are overworking, you will often find that this causes you to be much less healthy in general.
Having a good work/life balance, and in particular getting plenty of rest and break time, will mean that you are able to look after yourself a lot more easily. It’s important that you aim for this as best as you can.

Tips for A Healthy Lifestyle: #3
Take Care Of Your Body And Mind As One
Although it can be tempting – and in some ways, useful – to separate out the body and the mind, this can also cause a lot of confusion when it comes to taking proper care of yourself.
The fact is that you need to treat your body and mind as two sides of the same coin, for that is really what they are. As long as you are looking after both your body and your mind, you should find that you are much more likely to feel and be healthy on the whole.
Tips for A Healthy Lifestyle: #4
Manage Stress At Its Source
It would be unlikely to manage to avoid stress at all, but if you want to live more healthily, you will find that finding a way to manage your stress can really make all the difference in the world.
In particular, you should aim to manage stress at its source wherever possible, as that is going to mean that it has much less of a negative effect on you on the whole. As long as you do that, being healthy will be so much easier and simpler.
Below is a simple meditation/mind control exercise to help you relax and manage your stress:

Stop Mental Stress:
Easy Mind Control Exercise
- Find a quiet place to perform the Easy Mind Control Exercise. Get a piece of paper and write down 5 of the most horrid thoughts you’ve been having for the past few months.
. - Below the first 5 items, write down 5 beautiful thoughts, memories or ideas that are directly in contrast with the first 5 items you wrote down.
. - Focus your mind’s power on each of the undesirable thoughts and as you do, give your mind a firm command to remove the thoughts.
. - Visualize a blank space where each of the undesirable thoughts used to be. Begin placing pleasant thoughts on this blank space, to replace the bad ones that have just been driven out.
. - Repeat the exercise until you are satisfied and try again tomorrow.
Tips for A Healthy Lifestyle: #5
Sleep Your Way to Wellness
So, how many hours is sufficient? Will sleeping about eight hours a night will do the trick? Well, the answer is that simply sleeping won’t be enough. You need deep, quality sleep.
You need to ensure that your sleep is undisturbed and restful. If your bed is uncomfortable, or your partner snores, or your phone keeps alerting you of messages you receive during the night, or the street lights coming into your bedroom from the window disturbs you, or you had too many stimulants before bedtime, you’re not really sleeping properly.
Below are 10 tips for a good night’s sleep:
- Invest in a good bed with a firm mattress and pillow
. - Switch your phone and all electronic devices off during the night
. - Avoid looking at bright screens at least an hour before going to bed
. - Stop all stimulating activity at least 1 hour before bedtime
. - Sleep in a pitch-black room with zero lights on. Make sure all the curtains are drawn close.
. - Do not exercise just before bedtime. Instead, meditate or do some relaxing activity before bedtime
. - Do not have any argument or confrontation with anyone at least an hour before bed. These can wait for the following day.
. - Do not take stimulants like coffee before bedtime. Often, it is best to stop all stimulants by midday.
. - Create a calming bed-time routine. Make it a habit to stick to it. A routine of going to bed at the same time each night and waking up at the same time each morning will allow you to make the most of your sleep.
. - Take calming herbal teas before bedtime to help deep sleep. Below are 6 which help:
Valerian Root This root has been used since ancient times as a dietary supplement for insomnia as well as depression.
This is an effective remedy for inducing relaxation and calming the mind. Passionflower is rich in alkaloids, coumarins and flavones, GABA – an inhibitory neurotransmitter which helps to calm the nervous system. You can use Passionflower alone or with Valerian and hops.
Lavender: Drink a cup of Lavender tea a couple of hours before bedtime. This will help you relax and wind down to prepare for sleep. Alternatively spray your pillow with diluted Lavender essential oil. You could also soak in a hot bath sprinkled with a few drops of lavender essential oils.
Hops help reduce restlessness, nervousness and sleeplessness. You can also sleep with a hop-filled pillows to counteract insomnia!
Lemon Balm
This is a citrus scented herb of the mint family. You can purchase the balm leaves dried to make a cup of tea to help you relax for restful and deep sleep.
This is a sleep inducer and mild tranquiliser! The calming effects come from the antioxidant apigenin: these bind to specific receptors in your brain to help decrease anxiety, calm you down and help promote restful sleep.
California Poppy
These poppies used as a tea/infusion help with restlessness and anxiety and promotes sleep. It is often used together with Valerian.
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